Chapter 10: First Bickering

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"Pink-walled cabins for the girls, green-walled cabin for the boys! Girls and boys can't mix!  You can't miiix!"  The three facilitators shouted simultaneously. 

The twenty teens alighting the bus just can't be tamed easily. They're all so excited that they looked like a bunch of animals which just got freed from the zoo.

Being fifty kilometers away from their families and getting right smack in the middle of Yumyeongsan Mountain Natural Recreation Forest, one would know that it would be quite an experience.

Holding on to the straps of her pink My Melody backpack, Hyeyoon made a 360 degree eye tour of her surroundings right after getting off the bus. It's as if she stepped into another world which has an atmosphere a galaxy away from the Seoul.

"Amazing, huh?"

The voice from behind her interrupted her thoughts and startled Hyeyoon. She turned around and found Rowoon's face merely two inches away from hers.

"Ya!" She hit him hard and made sure he'd wince in pain.

The pain was too much that no sound came out from his throat. He mouthed 'ouch' while looking at Hyeyoon with an ugly, exaggerated pained look.

"That's what you get from startling me!"

"Hey, I just asked!" Rowoon reasoned out.

"Okay. Do it again and you'll get another taste of my hand!"

"I think I'm kinda liking it already." A teasing smile started to form on Rowoon's lips while feeling the heat of his sore arm.

"What are you, a masochist, huh?"

Hyeyoon was more than ready to give him another round of hitting when he started to run away from her.


Park Ruru, their twenty-year old cheerful facilitator, put her hands on her waist while holding the camp guide. She turned to Kim Yeshin, her fellow camp teacher.

"Look at those two," she said, pointing the two teens who were running around the place, taking turns in chasing each other.

Yeshin smiled. "I think we have another one for this batch."


"Why are you following me? Go. Shoo. Go to your cabin!"

"I'm not following you. For your information, my cabin is just beside yours."

Hyeyoon turned and saw that he's telling the truth. She opened her mouth in mock surprise and her chinky eyes just turned doubly chinkier.

"I'll ask them to transfer me to another cabin. I don't want to be next to yours."

Rowoon crossed his arms on his chest and stood proudly. "May I clarify that you don't want to be next to the THE MOST GOOD LOOKING GUY here in theater camp?"

She can't believe what she's hearing from her newfound 'friend'. "EXCUSE ME?"

"You heard me right. Girls here might fall in line just to be next to me. While you, whom I'm giving a privilege to, doesn't want to accept it." He looked down at her, enjoying the big height difference.

"Whoa there. Whoaaa there!" She has no idea now what to do with her hands. She's placing it on her temples, on her waist, crossing it on her chest. "Can you hear what you're saying?" By now, she just laughed it off. 'Wow, great, I'm stuck with a lunatic'.

"See? You can't disagree because you know it's true."

"You have friends in school?"


"I said, do you have friends in school?"

"Of course!"

"Why didn't you invite them here?"

"Because I know they're not interested?" He looked at her as if another she just grew another head. "Why???"

"Because if you brought your friends, I can live my life in peace here???"

"I dunno, maybe I'm doing you a favor because my attention is 100% on you as your new friend???"

"I dunno, maybe I went here alone because I just want to focus on my craft??? But here you are???"

"Well I want the same thing but I just want to make new friends??? It's your fault you sat at the back of the bus and you're next to the last seat, so maybe I don't have a choice???"

"Aha! So whoever is sitting next to you will be on my spot right now, suffering from your presence???"

"Na-uh, not 'suffering'. It's more of being PRIVILEGED to be my friend."

Hyeyoon winced. He's annoying BUT funny. But she needs to make sure he doesn't know about the latter. "You're annoying."

"I am? Then why are you still talking to me?" He stuck out his tongue at her.

"Oh gawd. I can't believe this creature!!!" She threw her hands up in the air and stomped her foot while walking away.

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