Chapter 17: First Feelings

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A/N: Hi guys, I'm back! Getting down and dirty with the updates now. Hope you're still so into the Rowoon-Hyeyoon fever! Also, I wish that you're all safe from any bad elements (virus and all) wherever you are right now. ♡♡♡ It only takes a simple R&H interaction to get us through life's imperfections, yes?


"Are you trying to take advantage of me?"

Hyeyoon stopped walking and tried to lift her weight off Rowoon. They're now on their way back from the clinic to the theater.

His right arm is holding Hyeyoon's small waist cautiously while trying to carry all her weight from her limp walking.

"Look, I'm just helping you out here, okay?"

He was trying his best not to annoy her even further. The big fat lie was already a problem for both of them.

"You're clinging on to my waist so tightly."

Rowoon looked down to the feisty girl who's only a breath away from him.

"You mean, this hand..." He eased his hand further, nearly touching now her navel, scooping her towards him so easily.

The warmth of his palm sent tingles to her scalp. Suddenly, she's drowning in the sweetness of his touch.

Hyeyoon's breathing became heavier. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with lots of questions.

"What?" Rowoon pressed her even closer to him as his eyebags start to get thicker with his perfecf smile.


"Do you feel it?"

Hyeyoon slowly nodded. She's trying to processing everything. It's too much to take in.

In the middle of the forest a thousand miles away from home, she's dependent on a guy who brought chaos to her quiet life...and heart.

He raised his finger and touched her chin. He rubbed it with his thumb as he stared at her tender lips and her beautiful eyes.

Tender. He knows her lips are definitely tender.

If his stare and touch could melt, she'd be a puddle of water now around him.


"No. No need to be sorry, Rowoon."


"You know what, it's fine. It's both our fault. We kissed. It was unplanned. And it's not our fault for giving in to what felt was the right thing to do at that moment."

"Wait, who told you I'm sorry about it?" His hand still lingering on her tiny waist.

Every movement of his fingers is giving her goosebumps.

"You're not?!"

"Earlier, right after I blurted out that lie to our director, I was. But now, I'm not anymore."

"How come?"


"Because what?"


"Ya! You wanna die?" Tell me now!"

Rowoon took her right hand in his and squeezed it lovingly.

He was looking at their feet while nervously licking his lips.

"Oh God." Rowoon sighed heavily. He looked up at the foliage covering them and witnessing this very moment.

Despite the stiffness in her neck that she's starting to feel, Hyeyoon patiently waited while looking at his handsome face.

Slowly, ever so gently, he lifted her hand and placed it on his heart.

"Do you feel it?"

Hyeyoon nodded.

"Hyeyoona...I think...I'm falling for you."

"You're lying..." she said to him softly.

"You think the heart could lie?"

Tears filled his eyes to the brim. The emotions he's feeling is too much for Rowoon to handle.

The wave of longing and memories of the girl whom he searched for years suddenly brought familiar feelings to him...but now, towards a new person--this girl beside him.

It was so familiar that he now believes firmly that deja vu truly happens.

One can't possibly force himself to care tremendously for someone. This is the second time that he's experiencing this unexplainable yearning to care for someone again. He had lost that girl before, he won't allow himself to lose another girl this time.

"I have something to tell you, Hyeyoon. When I was still a kid, I've met a girl. In my small ways, I cared for her but I lost her. I've never stopped searching for her and I never thought I'd ever stop. But you came into my life...just days ago. And I didn't know it's possible to experience such genuine happiness with someone in a span of just a number of days. You were the only one who made me stop thinking about her. You thawed my heart and made it beat so fast again. I don't know what's this, I'm as confused as you are I guess, but I just want to be right by your side and protect you and take care of you."

Hyeyoon pressed her palm harder on his heart. Her hand is now being showered with his hot tears.

Her eyes started to water as well.

"Rowoon-ssi, are you kidding me?" She's now laughing and crying at the same time. "I was also in the same situation as you are. I even kept something special from the boy whom I have a secret crush on. It may be childish for others but for me, it was something sincere and true. But now, I'm...I'm finding it hard to believe that..."

"What hard to believe?"

"That it's possible for me to forget about him for a moment and feel so much care...and love...for you."

Upon hearing her words, his world stopped. This isn't happening, he thought.

"I don't want this moment to end, you don't know how happy I am!"

He lifted her up gently, being careful not to hurt her ankle. He dipped his head towards her and felt the tenderness of her lips once again. They shared a kiss so eager and loving that even the birds got embarrassed and hid behind the leaves.

"I love you, my Hyeyoona."

"I love you too, Rowoon-ssi."

"I guess we don't have to pretend anymore?"

"Yeah, I guess." She smiled shyly and reached the back of his head this time to bring his lips to hers.

The leaves danced and the wind whistled to the tune of the young love that they just witnessed.

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