Chapter 3: First Pain

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Hyeyoon will turn five tomorrow. At four, she knows already the true meaning of pain and heartache. Today is the first death anniversary of her mother.



"My daughter, I want you to promise me one thing." She cannot forget the tight grip of her mother's loving hand on hers.

"Mommy, why are you crying?"

The four year old Hyeyoon is mature for her age. She's heard the whispers of people around her.

'Mrs. Kim has cancer'.

'She's very sick'.

'Poor Hyeyoon, she'll grow up without her mother by her side.'

All those hushed conversations by their neighbors and relatives got stuck in her young mind. Hyeyoon didn't believe them at first. But her mother's frail body and continuous medical treatment were enough to confirm everything she's heard. They weren't gossiping but merely stating a fact.

To hear that your mother is dying is one thing and to see that it's all happening so fast is another. Everyday, she would make sure that she gets to help her in the best way she can. There's never a day that she didn't squeeze herself next to her bedridden mom at the hospital, yearning for her sweet gesture of combing her hair with her fingers.

She knows that cancer is a monster that lives inside a person's body. But with her whole heart, she is convinced that her mom will get well and that this will all be over soon, that in a few days or months, they will be back to their normal lives, free from sickness, hospital confinements, and check-ups.

Hyeyoon is a smart kid. She's trying her best not to show to her parents the pain that she's also experiencing. She's determined to be brave and to give hope and courage to her family.

"My little Hyeyoon, my little Hyeyoon," she used her other hand to comb her daughter's long black hair.

"Promise me that you will take care of Daddy.

Promise me that you will love the people around you so that they will also love you back.

Promise me that you will have a family of your own and love your husband and children just as much as we have loved you.

I'm sorry that Mommy is making you promise me so much. I want you to live a normal life...even if Mommy is not beside you anymore. Do you hear me?"

It was hard to hear those words. But she gathered everything in her to make her mother happy.

"Yes, Mommy. I promise. I promise. I promise.
I love you so much, Mommy. I love you as much as how I love my My Melody stuffed toy, and my big dollhouse and my pink bike and this necklace too, Mommy."

She touched the long gold necklace clinging to her small neck, kept well inside her shirt.

The pendant was made especially for her. It bears the letters L, H, and Y. The length was long enough for her to be able to wear it forever.

"Guard it with your life. But guard your heart more than that necklace."

"What do you mean, Mommy? I'm wearing a shirt. My heart is inside my body, covered by my shirt. It's well-guarded." She thought she can already grasp all the messages in the adult world, but she realized just now that there are still things she can't comprehend.

"One day, my child, you'll understand."

Hyeyoon nodded. Mothers know best, they said. She just wishes that God would give her more time to prove in different circumstances that her mom is correct. She's willing to commit mistakes and make her mom prove to her that she indeed knows best.

Her heart is breaking and all she can do is to keep on swallowing the small lump forming in her throat.

'Don't be a silly kid, you won't cry. You can't cry. Mom will be sad. You can't cry.' She looked up at the white ceiling. She pictured her favorite cartoon show playing.

A tear escaped her right eye. It trickled down her rosy cheek and landed on her mom's hand.

Her gaze painstakingly traveled to the most beautiful face in the world. She looks peaceful and happy despite the pain. Slowly, Kim Minji closed her eyes.

Her mom's grip loosened.

She'll never forget the sound that accompanied the flat line that suddenly appeared the machine's monitor.

It's over. Her mom's pain is now over.

The sound and line pierced her heart. She thought she was going to die too.

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