Chapter 2: First Scene Together

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"What?! That much?!" Hyeyoon's jaw dropped while looking in disbelief at the stack of books on the library table.

"You heard me."

"Sanghyub-ssi--" She was about to continue her complaining when Extraordinary You's director, Kim Sang-hyub, stopped her with his infamous gesture of crossing his arms in front of his chest which means 'end of discussion'.

"You need to carry those. It's in the script, right?"

She pouted. "Yes."

"You know the story needs it, yes?"

Mindlessly studying her black school shoes, she nodded in surrender.

"Okay, let's start! Rowoon?" The director looked for her scene partner.

Her eyes rolled involuntarily. The mere mention of his name just killed whatever's left of the good mood in her.

"Yes, ahjussi?"

"You and Hyeyoon have met each other earlier, right? As much as I'd like you two to have more time to settle on the script, we're pressed for time. Let's get the scenes rolling first then just talk to each other during the break."

"No need!" Both of them answered in panic.

"Whatever! You need to spend time together, work on your craft together, practice, practice, and practice!" He waved the drama's script in the air.

They fell silent. They both know that this time would come.

In her fake cheerful tone, Hyeyoon changed the mood, "Ahjussi, let's start now, shall we?" Her shiny shoulder length hair bounced in enthusiasm while convincing the director to start with the scene.

"Okay then. Rowoon, slowly stack the books on Hyeyoon's hands."

Rowoon froze for a bit, then as if his body understood that there is no other choice but to move, he suddenly got seven books and put it in her hands. Then two more, then then five more. He was so fast that he had to be stopped.

"Ya! This is too heavy already!" Hyeyoon hissed while trying to peek from the side just to glare at him.

"Wait until later because I need to put one more on top of all that." Rowoon faked a smile at her. He's aware of all the people around them.

She picked up his expression and cleared her throat. "Right, right. Let's just end this fast."

"Sanghyub-ssi, I think we're now ready." Rowoon told the director calmly.

The scene was well played. Haru, Rowoon's character, meticulously placed the last book on top of the books carried by Dan Oh, Kim Hyeyoon's role. It was a perfect shot.


Hyeyoon was thankful it's finally over. She thought her arms can handle it a bit longer but they just turned into jelly and made her accidentally drop the books. Everyone was shocked and looked her way.

Rowoon glared at her then stared at the books. He was about to say something when he noticed that the camera is still rolling, probably for the behind-the-scene filming.

Slowly, he picked up the books one by one and helped the struggling Hyeyoon. Some of the staff was about to help but he said he'll take care of it. He made sure the angle was perfect, enough for the camera to see his gentlemanly gesture.

Only Hyeyoon can see the smirk on his face.

Only Rowoon can see the disgust on her face.

They are just starting.

And no one else has to know about their rift.

Not the director and staff. Not their fellow actors. And definitely not the viewers.

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