Chapter 22: First Decision

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The cool air kissed her cheeks as she ran farther and farther away from him. How she was able to blurt out those words, she didn't know. All she needed was a big slab of guts to let him hear what they both needed to hear. Yes--both of them.

The words played in her mind over and over--My heart is already owned by someone else. My heart is already owned by someone else. My heart is already owned by someone else.

She can't stop nor pause it even if she wanted to.

Her head started to hurt again which caused her to slow down a little. She stopped at a place in the campus which is quite unfamiliar to her.

She suddenly felt a strong hand on her wrist.

Turning swiftly, she saw the face which she didn't want to see--and also wanted to see.

"You really think I can't keep up with your slow pace?"

She felt his grip getting tighter.

She wanted to shake it off but her heart prevented her from moving. It's like she wanted it to stay there...forever.

His hand feels warm, strong, and comforting. "Why did you run away after saying those words?"

'Is he mad? Sad? Hurt?' His tone was devoid of emotions. It's as if he just asked her what time is it.


"It's okay, I understand. I have no right to question you. I'm sorry because I forced you to give me an answer."

His grip on her wrist loosened until he finally let it fall to her side.

That moment felt like someone just pierced her heart.

She looked at her hand and bowed her head. She was taken aback by what he did.

How can such small action of letting her wrist go make her feel so pained and hurt? She swallowed the lump in her throat. She kept on praying that her eyes won't betray her. They have to keep her tears contained and not allow even one drop to escape those ducts.

Rowoon can't see her face. Confused, he knelt down and tried to take a peek.

He was welcomed by streaks of tears wetting Hyeyoon's cheeks.

"Shhh. Why are you crying?" Hesitantly, he wiped off the tears on her cheek with his thumb.

She can't utter a single word.

He held the sides of her small head inside his big hands and lifted it slowly so her eyes can meet his.

"Hyeyoona, listen. Forget everything I said. I didn't mean to say those words. I'm sorry because it's my heart you heard talking. I'm not lying when when I said I want us to be back together."


"I tried so many times to forget about you. I know that my mere presence in your life will only bring back the pain. But when Sanghyub-ssi called me and asked me if I can be with you in this drama which we have used as our script while in camp 10 years ago, I lost in the battle I've been fighting for so long. How can I say no to him...but most importantly, how can I pass up on this chance to be with you finally?"

He stood up slowly but was careful in not losing the small distance between them.

"It's hard to pretend that I don't love you anymore. The more you push me away, the more it is that I want to keep you. But for once, I will set aside my feelings and respect yours."

His mood changed and got more serious.

"Do you want me to not bother you anymore  when the cameras are not rolling?"

She can't think clearly. What is the correct answer to that question? Why does it feel like she got another stab in her heart?

"Well..." She crossed her arms lamely and looked at her feet.

"I respect the the guy who holds your heart right now. I envy him, I'm jealous of him--I'm not going to lie about it. It should have been me but I wasted my chance. I'll keep my distance from now on."

"Rowoon-ssi, I'm sorry but--"

"Bye, Hyeyoona. I'll never stop loving you from afar."

'How can a shattered heart break into a million pieces more? Why do we keep hurting each other over nothing?'

Clutching her heart, she watched him slowly walking away from her.

She whispered to herself while tasting the salty tears entering her lips, "I'm sorry, my Rowoon. I need to go back to him who has held my heart from the start--my Superman. And I won't stop looking for him."

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