Chapter 13: First Friend

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There's a saying that first love never dies. But what about friendship? How would one know if it's real or not? If it involves two 5-year-old kids, who knows if it would flourish into something life-long or not?

Superman Rowoon is mature enough to know the answer as early as now.

He first saw her at the playground. He saw her next at the grocery store. He was sure he's going to see her again. He definitely can't settle for meeting her only twice. He didn't call himself Superman for nothing.

Rowoon busy with his thoughts when he quickly caught a familiar girl at church.

'Sorry, Lord. I wasn't listening to the priest's homily but please let this girl be her.' He closed his eyes tightly and uttered a silent prayer while seated behind the girl and her father. He can't concentrate now. He badly wanted to reach over and tap her shoulder but he knows his parents wouldn't like such behavior.

When the mass is already over, he quickly walked away from his seat, pretending to follow his parents, but actually stalling time to be able to confirm something. He kept on looking at them walking away and then back to the girl.


He was surprised that she saw him first, no matter how long he has waited to see her.

She was beaming with delight. It's as if he is really her hero.

"Oh..hi! I didn't know I'd see you"

"Daddy, he is Superman." She tugged her dad's hand and proudly introduced her friend. He didn't like her daughter getting friendly with boys. It's too early for him to take care of dad problems like this.

"Superman?! He's not Superman, sweetie. Hahahahaha!" Her father laughed so hard. "What's your name, young man?" He leveled his head with the handsome young kid in front of him.

"Superman Shokoo."

"Ah. I see. How'd you get to know my little girl?"

Rowoon looked at Hyeyoon. She widened her eyes at him. Bingo. It's their little secret. He looked at her dad and didn't say a word. Kim Sejun is now confused.

"You don't know, young man? Or you don't want to say?"

He shook his head. Superheroes don't lie, right?

"Okay then. Where are your parents?" Sejun looked around to check if there are churchgoers who have the look of panic on their face because of their lost kid.

"There." He pointed at the two figures who are on their way to the parking lot.

"Ah I see. Come on, follow your parents now. You wouldn't want them to leave you here, right?"

"But Daddy, he's my playmate!" Hyeyoon felt the need to intervene.

"No, little girl. He's not your playmate. He's a stranger. He can't even say his name!"

"Shokoo." Rowoon whispered and seem to be eating the word he uttered.

"Shokoo? Okay. I'll accept that. Now, go follow your parents."

"Sir, before I go, can I see her again tomorrow?"

Sejun was beyond shocked. He wasn't ready for a super early courting period. 'Kids these days really so advanced with everything. I'm not yet prepared.'

"Hahahahaha. NO."

"Daddy, please?" She hugged her dad's arm while looking at Superman.

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