Chapter 18: First Announcement

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Everyone was still busy rehearsing their lines but they all stopped talking the moment they saw Rowoon and Hyeyoon enter the theater.
"Hyeyoon!  OMG, what happened to you? You got us all worried!" Mi-kyong, one of Hyeyoon's cabinmate, rushed to her friend's side and did a quick first-aid-ish check on her.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to enjoy nature's beauty so I tried to rehearse my lines in the woods.  But suddenly, the wind blew so hard and it whisked away my script.  I was chasing the papers when I unfortunately slipped. I am, limping and all. Hehehe." Hyeyoon, being back to her old cheerful self, just shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

"At least, someone rescued you." Mi-kyong teased her friend and pointed her lips towards Rowoon, who's still so focused on his girl.
This made Hyeyoon tuck her hair again under her ears, which means that either she's determined to do something or embarrassed about another—and this time, it's most probably the latter. "I'm thankful that he saw me there, otherwise, I'd be back here by Christmas. Hahaha!" She nervously laughed at her own joke.
"I'm the one who's really thankful here." Rowoon quipped. "Because I found her." He lovingly kissed the top of her head.
Everyone gasped.
All the teens can't believe what they're seeing and hearing.  The guys stood up and cheered on their brother.  "Wow, man!  Do we need to know something?!"
Hyeyoon threw her dagger looks towards Rowoon.  'Aish, he didn't have to be too showy.'
"I think this is the perfect time to let you all know that Hyeyoon is my girlfriend." He lovingly kissed the top of her head again and tightly hugged her.
Every single soul in the room clapped and cheered.  Even the mentors were giddy about the announcement.  Park Ruru and Kim Yeshin whispered to each other, "Ya, how lucky of them to have found someone in this camp, no?  I wonder when will be our turn."  Both were happy for the young and vibrant love that formed inside the camp.
Rowoon still cannot believe it.  Is this what they call fate?  How can he be so lucky to have found someone so special inside the theater camp?  No, no—he found her inside the bus.  Just a few days ago, he felt that he was at his lowest point in his life.  His father is not happy about him attending the theater camp and it breaks his heart to feel unsupported and to a point...unloved.  But the past 24 hours just zinged by so fast that we wanted to freeze time and enjoy every second of it—but only the seconds in his life which has Hyeyoon in it.
He was a believer of true love.  He felt it when he was five.  He saw her.  He protected her.  He lost her.  He believed he would see her again.  And he failed countless times in finding ways to figure out how can he find her in this vast universe.  Everyday, he prayed for their paths to cross again.
But on the day he met Hyeyoon on the bus, he forgot to utter his short prayer of finding her.
On that fateful day day, he uttered a quick 'thank you' to the Lord for letting him sit next to someone who at least made him smile.
He had no idea on what could possibly happen in camp.
Well, nothing biggie.
Just loads of fun bickering with her which he secretly enjoys.
Just his first kiss with a beautiful girl with an amazing personality and a perfect ten humor.
Just hearing for the first time those four important words that adults utter to each other—I. Love. You. Too.  And fate threw in some good bonus—she mentioned his name lovingly—Rowoon-ssi.  'I love you too, Rowoon-ssi'.  Wow.  Just wow.  How did he suddenly get worthy of being loved?
In this world of billions of people, how did she find him?
Rowoon was so immersed in his thoughts while staring at his girl.
Meanwhile, at the back of the room, someone is silently watching their every movement. 'Aha!  Looks like I was wrong earlier.  Looks like these kids aren't doing any pretending.'
Kim Sanghyub crossed his arms on his chest while leaning on the wall, watching everyone cheer for the new couple.  'But I still have my last way of knowing if this is for real...or if this is just for show.'

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