Chapter 23: First Struggle

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"Oke oke Hyeyoon, you know exactly what to do." Director Sanghyub trusts her immensely, what with her fast pick up in directions and executing them spot on.

"Right, Sanghyubssi. I just need to run with this umbrella in my hand and open it when he turns around." She focused her eyes on the director and never once looked at Rowoon.

He was picking on the leaf he that fell on his shoulder while listening to their conversation.

"Yes, perfect. Now, you Rowoon, has to do two takes--one looking at Hyeyoon and one looking at the camera. It will be a slowmo so make sure you look good as this is the first time the female viewers will have a good look at your character."

Hyeyoon rolled her eyes invisibly. 'Does Sanghyubssi really have to say that? Yah, Hyeyoona! Get your act together and erase such horrible thoughts.

"Lights, camera, action!"

Dan Oh, in her school uniform of white top, short plaid skirt, and cream-colored heels, ran after Haru. "Excuse me!" She opened the wet torn transparent umbrella and slowly caught a view of the mysterious guy in the script.

The moment he turned around, Hyeyoon's world stopped. It wasn't Haru that he saw but the guy she dated ten years ago.

It was the sight of the young Rowoon that pinched her heart. Glassy eyes, tall and pointed nose, supple pink lips, disheveled hair.

She basked in his intent gaze, afraid that both of them are rolling out of their respective characters. But their staring game lasted only for a sweet few seconds. She closed her umbrella and uttered the words on the script. "Annhyeong."


She was handing over the umbrella to the crew when she noticed someone still staring at her.

Briefly, she gave him an awkward smile and once again ran away.


"Lights, camera, action!"

"Number 13! Are you hurt? I'll find you what you need. I know my way around here. Let me get you a bandage."

Dan Oh ran to the shelf where the medicine kit is situated but it is way beyond her reach. She had to step on the blue swivel chair to get ahold of it. After successfully grabbing the kit, unstable chair threw her off-balance.

Haru was fast enough to run to her rescue.

With just a couple of inches away from each other's face, Rowoon felt Hyeyoon's breath and took in her familiar sweet scent.

That scent is something that has been engraved in his mind and can never be erased by anyone.

He's very much aware of her small hand on his left shoulder and his right hand on her left shoulder. He was clutching to it so tightly, as if the tightness of his grasp could pull her back into his life.

By now, the awkwardness of the scene wasn't merely acting. Hyeyoon ran to get a bandaid and put it on top of the fake bruise on his hand. He was staring at her do it, wishing they didn't have to act it out. He was hoping that she'd take care of him like this for real.

It was his turn to reach for the bandaid. The tiny gap between them gave him the chance to brush his face again her hair.

"Cut! You're too close to her face! Again!"

Take two.

"Cut! You're not supposed to cradle her head!"

Take three.

"Cut! Rowoon, why are you making me so old today? It's not in the script to hold Hyeyoon's cheeks!"

Take ten.

He dabbed the stick of antiseptic on her fake wound. She continued with her lines. "I'll be great if you could change my fate with your handsome face." While covering the wound with a bandaid, he listened to her intently. "Number 13, please remember me next time. My name is Eun Dan Oh."

Why did her line strike him so hard? In the drama, he knows already what's about to happen. The line spoke to him as if she's saying her goodbyes.

And that pulled strings of unspeakable sadness onto his heart.

"Eun Dan Oh."


Finally, their scene ended. It was a relief and and at the same time another opportunity to be with her that ended.

Rowoon was standing up from his position when someone suddenly giddily approached him.

"Hi April, what brings you here?"


A/N: I'm sooo sorry for super late update, my DanHaru babies!

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