Chapter 4: First Hero

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"Please Daddy, pleeease?" With her palms clasped together, closed eyes, and cuteness that is undeniable, she begged and begged.

"Hyeyoon, you heard what I said. No means no."

"But the playground is so near, Daddy. I promise I won't go far. You can see me from our kitchen window." Her smile is as beautiful as her mom's--sweet and can melt the coldest heart.

"Aish. If it isn't your birthday, I won't say yes. I'll allow you this time only, okay? Wait for grandma to finish first with her chores and then she can go with you."

"But Daddy, grandma's busy!"

"So you wait for her."

"It's still early. The sun just rose. She still has so many things to do. And Daddy, can you see the swing over there?" She pointed at the yellow pair of swings which is just a stone's throw away from their house.

"Yeah. I don't care how far or near it is. You're the only one I have left. We only have each other, my dear daughter." He sat next to Hyeyoon and kissed her head.

She understood perfectly what he meant. The sudden silence between them was a sign that they are currently thinking about the same person.

"Happy birthday, baby. Your birthday this year may seem incomplete but it is not. Mommy's here with us at this moment. I'm sure she is hugging you tightly and is wishing you a happy birthday."

"I can feel her. She's watching over us always, Daddy. I just hope that I can hug her one more time. I hope she can give me the tightest hug I need."

Kim Sejun hugged his precious daughter tightly.

"Ouchhh. Daddy, not too tight, I can't breathe." Her giggle is music to Sejun's ears.

"Fine, fine. You may go now and play."

She squealed in excitement. "Yayyy! Am I hearing you correctly, Daddy?!"

"No, you heard me say you can't go." He tried to put on a serious face but this precious girl in front of him made him smile in a heartbeat.

"Hahaha! You can't fool me! I'll go out now! Thank youuu! Love youuu!" She sprinted out of the house as fast as she can before her father changes his mind.

"Be careful!" He shouted to no one as she's now a million steps away.


The cold morning wind kissed her face gently. She closed her eyes while lifting her body up and pushing it down as she enjoys the peace that the nearby playground's swing brings to her heart.

It's her fifth birthday. She wanted to think positive thoughts but the memories of her mom keeps on squeezing itself in the crevices of her mind.

"Mom," she slowed down a bit but is not yet ready to stop herself from swinging. "I miss you. You're my angel now. I'm sad, you know? But I'm happy too because I was able to carry on after you went to heaven. Daddy misses you so much, but that's a secret between us. I see him crying sometimes especially after work when he's used to having you around to take care of him."

She let the remaining force cradle her slowly to a complete stop. Looking up at the clear sky, she continued talking to her mom.

"Please send me someone to be there for me, Mommy. Daddy's busy at work sometimes and I know he loves me so much. But I know angels go down here once in a while to take care of us. I'm not sure, Mommy. I don't know what I mean. But I'm just so sad right now..." She clutched tightly and lovingly the necklace hidden under her shirt.

Salty tears started to fill her eyes. Her heart is being crushed into tiny little pieces. She didn't know that even after a year without her mom, it would still be painful and heart-wrenching.

Her sobbing is now getting uncontrollable. She remembered that her dad might see her from their kitchen window. He's currently walking around and getting busy, probably brewing his morning coffee.

She can't risk being seen by her dad crying ugly like that. Her feet suddenly had a life of its own and brought her to the nearest shrub. She sat on the grass and hugged her knees and continued sobbing.

"You may borrow this but don't wipe your snot on it."

A boy holding a light blue handkerchief suddenly appeared in front of her.

She looked at the piece of cloth and then to the boy holding it out.

Both of them were studying each other curiously.

"Here, come on, take this. Your shirt will get wet." He waved it in front of her.

"Th-th-thank you but I'm o-o-okay." In between sobs, she managed to reply.

He sat next to her and gently placed his thumb and forefinger on her chin to turn her face towards him. She must be really sad and helpless to not refuse his gesture.

Very lightly and ever so gently, he wiped her tears with his hanky.

"There you go. Now you look better!" He was amused to see her semi-dry face.

"Why did you wipe my tears?" She was shocked but thankful.

"Because I'm Superman."

She looked at him with furrowed brows.

"I'm a hero. Heroes do something good for other people." He hit his chest proudly. "Don't be sad anymore." He patted her back ever so lightly and flashed her a big smile.

A loud muffled sound can be heard from afar.

"Oh no! My mom's calling me. I have to go for a while. Please keep Superman's hanky first. I'll go back inafewminutesthenwewillplay,okay?" He said it so fast, it was almost inaudible.

Superman sprinted away.

Hyeyoon looked up to the heavens and pressed her necklace close to her heart.

With tears starting to form again in her eyes, she whispered, "Mommy, that was fast. Thanks for the birthday gift."

"Hyeyoon!!! Oh my goodness I've been looking for you!!! Come on, it's time to go back inside now!" Her father cried in thankful panic and took her back so quickly before she could even stop him.

"But...but Daddy--"

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