Chapter 21: First Crush

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She sat on the vacant bench at the back part of the university where they shoot Extraordinary You.

After all the chaos earlier when her co-cast accidentally hit her head, she prefers to be alone during her break time.

Silence is all she craves for right at this moment. She closed her eyes and thought of nothing for a few minutes.  The cool afternoon breeze kissed her skin. It momentarily healed her hurting head.  The faint rays of the sun that's about to set gave her comfort and warmth.

Leaning her head on the backrest, she slouched and allowed her body to rest its weight fully on the bench.

Everybody thinks she's a strong, feisty woman, a determined actress, a good friend, an obedient daughter, a warfreak co-actor.  She's many things to many people. But at this very second, she just wants to be her mother's daughter.

In the middle of a crazy workday, she yearns for the tight hug of her mother.

Slowly, she lifted her arms and hugged herself tightly. 

Tears traversed her cheeks.

"Omma..." She faintly called her mother. "Omm--"

"Your oppa is here."

An extremely deep voice disrupted her beautiful thoughts of her mother.

Following her reflex, she hit the person sitting next to her in a hearbeat. "Ya!"

"Ouchhh! Why did you hit me?!" He tried his very best to shield himself from her wrath without leaving her side.

"Why are you here?!" She hit him over and over until he stopped pretending that he can't fight her back.

He grabbed her thin arms swiftly but gently and put it down to her lap. "Can you calm down?"

"How on earth can I be calm when my arch enemy is here?! Go find your own bench! This is mine!"

"Is this yours? Do you have your name on it?" He pretended to take a peek at the different parts of their wooden seat.

"Stop that!"

"See? You have no right to claim this as yours."

Completely dismissing his antics, she quipped, "So why are you here?"

Rowoon tried to snatch at glance at her watery eyes and immediately looked away.

"I'm tired. I want to sit down." He crossed his long legs and spread his arms wide on the headrest.

Almost instantly, Hyeyoon sat up straight, obviously not wanting to touch any part of his body.

"Why are we even talking? Your scene might be up already. Go back now."

"You shooing me?"

"Not yet.  But now I am. Shoo! Go!" She turned to him and put on a brave front.

"You're not getting tired of doing that?"

"Of shooing you? No."

"Seriously?" He closed his eyes and enjoyed the breeze toying with his bouncy hair.

"I won't ever get tired of it. Ever."

"It must be tiring, you know?"

Hyeyoon relaxed her back and slowly allowed herself to sink back and slouch. Her nape touched his arm.

He's very much aware of what's happening.

Of her head resting on his arm.

"It's still fresh up here," she lazily put her forefinger on her right temple. "And here." Hyeyoon knocked her heart.

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