Chapter 19: First Exchange

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The director was surprised to see such a talented batch of actors for this year's camp. He didn't expect that despite the playfulness of everyone, the moment he shouts 'Action!', each one can slip into their role effortlessly, with their lines memorized and their heart fully invested into their acting.

He has handled many batches before but this batch is so far the best. However, just like  any other group, there will always be one or two who will stand out. In this case, the two Kims--Rowoon and Hyeyoon--were really promising and exceptional. The best thing about it is that they actually have no idea on how good they are.

Individually, they would make it a point to come to the workshop prepared and on-time. Both would always intently listen to the director's instructions and would seamlessly execute every scene.

As a couple, the chemistry is really there. There must really be something going on between the two kids. In between scenes, the boy would annoy the girl to her wit's end and the girl would always look for the boy whenever he's out of her sight.

But kids these days are reckless and impulsive--just like what he saw that day in the middle of the forest.  As a father to the kids in camp, Director Sang-hyub was bothered by the what he saw.  He didn't want to get mad or be strict--that would only turn them away.  He too became an adolescent at one point in his life and went through the same thing.  He fully knows the joy and excitement that first love brings.

The question is--do they really love each other?  Perhaps it's too early to know, but it wouldn't hurt to get a glimpse of what's in the core of their hearts.  And because of this, he would proceed with his plan--a plan which would validate or invalidate his hunch, and would also greatly help the class' growth.

"Alright, now that we're on our third day of the workshop, you'll be going out of your comfort zones."

Mi-kyong raised her hand.  "What do you mean, Sang-hyubssi?"

Everybody was stunned by the announcement.  Each of them have already come to like their partners.

Rowoon and Hyeyoon exchanged nervous glances.  She gave him a forced smile.  He answered with an assuring one.

The director continued, "Well, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  Being a good actor means he can handle any role with anyone.  Acting with the same person repetitively stifles an actor's growth.  After being familiar with the other's style and technique, one would inevitably get comfortable.  As early as now, while you're still doing workshops and are not yet part of Hallyuwood--I'd like you to develop versatility."

Rowoon swallowed hard.  There's something in the announcement that made him really uncomfortable.  He closed his eyes and shook his head. 'No, no, I'm wrong for sure.' 

Upon opening his eyes, he looked at the face of every guy in the room. 'They're my friends now, so of course I know I can trust them. Or maybe I'm just assuming too much'.  While sweeping the male species' face, he easily got distracted by his girl's enthralling beauty.

He felt someone shake his shoulders hard.

"Rowoon, did you hear it?"  Kim Young-dae--the class heartthrob and Rowoon's cabinmate--checked on him.

"N-no, I'm sorry, I didn't get it.  What did the director say?"  He abruptly got confused from the sudden disarray of his classmates.

"Ya!  We'll be partnered with another person. They're now calling out the new partners."

Beads of sweat instantaneously formed on his forehead.  He caught her staring a him with a worried face.  He wanted to go to her side but that would be rude.  He didn't know that staying in his seat for a few more minutes could be this hard.

"Now for our last two pairs--Rowoon and  April, and, Youngdae and Hyeyoon."

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