Turn 001

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Dear Readers,

Here is a little taste of what I have in store for Book 2 of Requiem For a Dream. Enjoy!Vote and Comment!

- Ashe_Hime

A single year has passed since the Black Rebellion led by Zero. And in a single night the rebellion was crushed. Without the leadership of Zero the Black Knights were lost in the darkness,unable to come up with the proper tactics to stand against Cornelia. One by one friends,family members and teammates were imprisoned and ultimately sentenced to death. Many of the members of The Black Knights continue to await a trial that will never come. And even if it were to come it would hardly be a fair one. Only a hand full of Black Knights. Picked by both Lucia and C2 even knew of Zero's true identity. Well a little taste of it anyway.

People that Lucia trusted even abit were told of Zero's identity. Only the important facts thatbdhe deemed necessary. One that Zero was in fact a Britannian student. And two that his hate for Britannia was just as strong as the Japanese themselves. If not yet even stronger. Kallen one of the people who knew Zero's identity took the news pretty well. Although she hated the plan that C2 had devised behind Lucia's back to bring Lelouch to her. What C2 had kept from Lucia was the fact that Lelouch was in fact alive. Living his normal student life,although he did deviate now and then. Leaving campus to gamble like he always did with Rivalz.

Although this past year his partner in his after school activities was not Rivalz. It was a boy. No a spy that Britannia had put in place. Amount many other spies. This spy was to play the part of the younger brother of Lelouch. A lousy replacement for Nunally. This boy appeared very identical to his brother. From what C2 gathered his name was Rolo and he was sent by The Order which probrably meant the boy had geass. Although his geass was not bestowed upon him by C2. No it was by another force. V2.

V2. It seemed that even after an entire year he was still the root of all that pained Lucia. The source of everything. The reason why she was forced to abandon Lelouch. The reason for Nunally's dissapearence. Lucia sudden fall from reality. Everything. And even with C2's vast amount of information she was still unable to locate Nunally. Either V2 had her or worst,she was dead. And if Nunally truly was gone from this earth she knew it would pain both Lelouch and Lucia greatly. But what would that matter if C2 couldn't bring him back?

What if C2 was unable to bring Lelouch back to The Black Knights,to Lucia. Then all her work,her promise to Lucia would be broken. Along with the remainder of the Black Knights who continued to struggle with their loyalty without their leader. It was true that while Lelouch was away,C2 and Lucia had taken command of the Black Knights. But it wasn't the same. Nothing was ever the same. Especially with Lucia.

After the two were forced the abandon Lelouch,the now broken Lucia had arranged for both herself and C2 to take shelter in the Chinese Federation. It appeared that Lucia had been friends with the young empress Tianzi. Who allowed them to take shelter despite the fact that Lucia had publicly betrayed Britannia. When Lucia and C2 arrived in the Chinese Federation,Lucia remained locked up in the room she was given. Refusing to leave for any reason what so ever.

From afar she was the calm and collected Cold Hearted Princess. But inside she was the remnants of a broken hearted girl. Lost in this world. Without a purpose,without her love. She was truly broken,merely shattered remnants of the person she used to be. A confident, unbending person who now wallowed in her own sorrow. Knowing that she had abandoned Lelouch,one of the only few people on this earth she truly loved. She felt she had betrayed him and her own heart.

Before she was forced to leave Lelouch behind. His blood pooled around her hand as she carefully applied pressure on his wound. All the while ignoring the fact that he had betrayed her in his own way. But Lelouch was in danger she would overlook any atrocity as long as he was safe. Lelouch's breathing was weak and ragged as he struggled to keep conscious. Tears rolled down Lucia's pale cheeks as she struggled to concentrate. Struggled to call upon the many abilities she had absorbed. She wanted to heal him. Bring him back from the brink of C2's world.

It was selfish she knew this but if it was for Lelouch,then Lucia would do anything. Try that she might her ability of healing was not cooperating with her at all. How C2 has explained it was that her powers were controlled by her emoptions. And with Lucia's thoughts in a frenzy,fearing for the worst her powers were unable to make themselves known to her. It also explains this year of Lucia unable to call upon any of her powers. It was a sort of mental block Lucia had unintentionally placed on herself.

The loss of Lelouch too great for her mind and heart to comprehend she shut down. Her powers and all,to an extent that Lucia herself became detatched from this world. Her once vibrant amber eyes were now dull as she quietly peered out the window of her room. All hope for the future seemed to all go up in smokes. Without her anchor. Without her Lelouch she was forever lost in the darkness.

To such an extent that Lucia had half a mind to give up. To erase any remnants of Lelouch from her mind and move on. To another life,and to another possible love. But she knew C2 would be against it. Knowing that if Lucia were to ever release Lelouch from her heart it would break her. Although as of late Lucia had a very determined visitor to her room. Who would always beckon her to come out. To come out and be part of the festivities that Tianzi had arranged for her friend.

His name was Xingke. Li Xingke.(Sorry if I spelled his name wrong! No internet! :( But didn't wanna keep you guys waiting!) A fairly tall Chinese man,with long flowing raven hair,and strong eyes a mixture of brown and crimson. Xingke appeared to always carry with him his blade,for he served Tianzi as the Head of The Military. He was a important person in the Chinese Federation and to Tianzi. But to Lucia at times he only seemed to confuse her. She who was always lost in distant memories.

Memories of Lelouch,their first dance at Ashford. Their first kiss,the day he proclaimed his love for her. All seemed so long ago and with this new man he beckoned her everyday to interact with him she felt bits and pieces of herself slipping away. Maybe she could start over? Life and all,maybe she could will herself to fall for this Xingke. Maybe he could heal her broken heart? It was tempting so very tempting.

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