Turn 006

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Both Lucia and Lelouch readied for the live announcement of Zero's return. Lelouch soon finished changing, putting on his cape and signature Zero mask. All the while waiting in front of the cameras ready to shoot. Lelouch's old maid Sayoko stood behind the scenes along with the Britannian Dietard who was the brains behind this whole operation. He stood with an almost creepy yet excited look on his face. Declaring how happy and excited he was to be broadcasting Zero's return.

Zero sighed to himself as both Kallen and C2 spoke among each other. Talking about how sweet it was for Zero and Lucia to be reunited. C2 was caught giggling by Zero who sighed lightly, hiding his embarrassment well. But soon his facade faded as he spotted Lucia who stepped into the room. She had indeed regained the former confidence lost to her over the years.

Lucia stood tall,her calm expression on her face as she walked over to Zero. She wore a long flowing red dress,delicstly crafted which flailer in 2 different directions on each side. The dress itself was strapless with raven black outlining at its center. Where the Geass symbol lay. Lucia's hair was allowed to flow freely to her sides,as she outstretched her hand for Zero. Who quickly took it completely spell bound by her beauty.

"You look amazing." Zero commented as immediately her face turned bright red in embarrassment. But Lucia quicckly regained her composure. Thanking him for the comment before asking."Beautiful enough to be Zero's Mistress?"She asked as a smirk appeared on Lelouch's lips inside his mask. "Yes,more than enough." He agreed as Lucia flashed him a smile.

The two of them stepped in front of the camera. Lucia's back was pressed against Zero's and her face hidden from the camera at the time. It would a way to surprise the Britannian Lapdogs. To know someone of such a high stature as Lucia had come to Zero's side. He smirked as the red light flashed on the cameras signalling it was time as he took a deep breathe and recited his speech. A speech that was currently being broadcasted around the world.

The speech was passionate,almost over the top but of course the amazing Zero had everything under control. He mocked his so called "death" the Britannians had created and most of all he mocked the crown. Saying that he and The Black Knights were such a large threat to Britannia. "I have returned and will reinstate The United States of Japan!" Zero exclaimed as around Japan left and right the people cheered happily.

Their prayers being answered as they watched the broadcast. Zero their Saivor had returned to free them once again from their shackled lives. The people of Japan could almost taste freedom on the tips of their tongues. It was near. "But I am not alone. Someone who is equal to me in every way will be my partner and together The Rebellion will succeed." Zero began as the camera panned around to Lucia,who's head was positioned downward. Hiding her face from view.

She always knew Zero had a thing for the theatrics as she slowly raised her head revealing herself to the world. With an evident smirk on her face. "My Mistress,Lucia Sai Fante of The Fante Kingdom shares my opinions on the unjust! She is our trump card and our way into the next era!" Zero exclaimed as Luci smiled,he was indeed boasting her quite abit. Not that she minded anyway.

What they didn't know was that the man Lucia had left in Britannia Schneizel was currently watching the broadcast. With jealousy and hatred filling his heart. He had heard rumors that Lucia had indeed abandoned Britannia after Euphie and her son's death but this....he was not ready for. Schneizel angrily slammed his fists on his desk as he stared at Lucia's face on the screen.

The one woman who had gotten away from him,insulted and infuriated him had continued to mock him even now. Picking a terroist over him which he could not fathom. What he did know was that he was determined to make that stubborn woman his wife whether she liked it or not. She would be his,not a terrorist's.

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