Turn 017

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It had been a few days since Lucia had married the love of her life. And truly she never felt more alive. She knew it was cheesy but just knowing that she and Lelouch were forever bound to each other made her heart jump with glee. Even now she couldn't steady her rapid beating heart, and she really didn't want t to. And knew that she couldn't. Especially since Lelouch had planned a quiet get away for the two. One where even C2 wouldn't know where they were. It would be just the two of them. Exactly what she wanted.

Lucia smiled as she continued to pack her bags,she wanted to leave as soon as possible. She couldn't imagine what Lelouch had planned for their special day together. Lucia guessed it would be some sort of honeymoon for the two. After all the two were married. Lucia's cheeks reddened at the thought as she closed her suitcase tightly.

While elsewhere Lelouch readied hisbbags as well. With both Kallen and C2 in his room spouting out nonsense to make his embarrassed. Ever since he or publicly "Zero" had married Lucia. The two had been giggling and teasing him nonstop. It to such an extent that Lelouch himself was becoming more embarrassed as the moment went by.

"So lover boy,where are you taking her?" C2 asked with a playful smirk as Kallen giggled. "It better be someplace romantic! She deserves it,having to deal with you forever." Kallen commented snidely as Lelouch shot her a glare before shutting his suitcase. "I'm not telling you two." Lelouch said as he hauled he briefcase into the hall as Kallen pouted playfully. "Aww why not?" She teased earning an agreeing nod from C2.

Lelouch sighed,rolling his eyes before clearing his throat and mumbling an answer. "B-Because I don't want to be interrupted." Immediately Kallen squealed,commenting how cute and romantic he was being. And that she never knew he could be so romantic. Lelouch sighed as he walked into the hallway away from the squealing Kallen. He then noticed Lucia standing in the hall,leaning against her door. A smile forming on her lips as she hummed to herself quietly.

Lelouch knew he made the right decisim,marrying her. He couldn't picture any other woman at his side as perfect as she was. Lucia's long flowing silver hair was pulled up into a delicate bun. Adorned with a single Chinese hair comb in the shape as a dragon. She wore a single strapped Chinese dress,which stopped at her thighs in the front. But at the back of the dress it unfurled on both sides of her hips into long silk ribbons. The dress was crimson to match her high heels,along with a peach lipstick she wore.

Even though Lelouch had told her many times that she did not need to apply makeup. She still insisted. Replying"I want to look my best everyday around my husband." Lelouch remembered her red her face become as she uttered the words to him. The way she played with her hair when she spoke of the two being married was simply adorable. Lelouch smiled towards her,clearing his throat as he made his way to her beautiful form. Lucia soon noticed him as she shyly looked to the ground before daring to look up to meet his gaze.

Lucia's voice now caught in her throat,as she struggled to form words. What could she really say? Lelouch Lamperouge, no Lelouch Via Britannia,the man she had been in love with since childhood was now her husband. Everything seemed to be falling into place for them,what else could she say? What else could she ask for? At the moment she felt she had everything she wanted. "You look beautiful." Lelouch spoke,so soft and gentle with her. He always was,and it made Lucia just want to be held in his arms.

She smiled faintly before playing with a stray strand of her hair tucking it behind her right ear. "T-thank you,um...are we ready to go?" She asked shyly as Lelouch nodded as he grabbed his suitcase. "Leaving already?" C2 asked the two as Lucia smiled towards her friend nodding. "Your in charge C2,I've left specific instructions for you to play my part as Zero until I return. Don't screw up." Lelouch told her as C2 rolled her eyes while placing her hands on her waist. "Who are you talking to?" She commented with a smile before waving slightly towards the two.

Even if she didn't openly show how happy she was for the two. C2 was very happy especially for Lucia who had been through so much. She knew no one but Lelouch could make her happy,could keep her safe,and could and would love her forever. Lucia smile,waving towards her dear friend C2 before she and Lelouch left the Imperial city. With Lelouch carrying their bags to an unmarked car,hidden in a back alley of the city.

Quickly Lucia excitedly stepped into the passenger seat of the car. While Lelouch loaded the trunk of the car with their things. Lucia smiled happily as she heard the trunk shut loudly loudly behind her,shaking the car slightly. Soon Lelouch took his place in the driver's seat,smiling warmly towards Lucia  before starting the car and driving out of the Imperial City.

Lucia smiled,relieved to finally leave the city and the prying eyes of others behind them. Now would one of the few rare opportunities she would have to see and interact with Lelouch. The real Lelouch, without hiding his face. The two could finally just act like a normal,"just married" couple. Lucia smiled at the thought,before feeling a strong yet gentle hand engulf her own. She smiled as Lelouch carefully laced their fingers together as he continued to drive. Could he be anymore perfect?

Shyly Lucia leaned her head against Lelouch's shoulder,causing a smile to appear on his lips. Lucia quietly watched the many buildings they passed from her seat before noticing the large airport the two now pulled up to. The airport was fairly crowded with barely a parking space left to snag as Lelouch quickly whipped the car into a small parking lot. He asked her to wait in the car as he gathered a cart for their luggage. Telling her that this weekend was about her,and he wouldn't have her carrying her own luggage.

Lucia couldn't help but to smile and nod as she watched Lelouch step out of the car and dissapear into the vast building before her. She had no idea they would be going on a plane for their honeymoon. Lucia thought maybe a nice hotel,or hot springs. What exactly did her husband have planned for them? Whatever it was Lucia couldn't wait to find out. Soon she spotted Lelouch walking towards the car with a large cart in tow,no doubt for their bags. She began to step out of the car, as Lelouch quickly went to her side. His hand extended for hers like the true gentlemen he was.

Happily Lucia took his hand as she closed the car door behind her. Quickly Lelouch loaded the cart with all their bags before leading her into the building,still pulling the cart behind him. Lucia gripped onto his hand tightly struggling not to get lost in the vast group of people. Many talking on their cellphones,while others were just plain rude. Or either in a rush to get to their next destination. Lelouch gripped on to her hand as the two made it to the front desk,the woman smiled warmly towards the two greeting them happily.

"Good morning,I'm Claire what can I do for you today?" Claire asked with a smile as Lelouch told her he played for 2 first class tickets to a destination he refused to let Lucia in on. "Oh,yes of course Mr. And Mrs. Lamperouge. Your flight leaves in 5 minutes. Your plane is in the B terminal. Please enjoy your flight." Claire told the two handing Lelouch their tickets. Lelouch smiled towards Lucia as she led her through the crowd once more hurriedly.

Now Lucia became more and more curious as she asked him once more where they were going. Lelouch smiled while tenderly kissing her cheek while whispering"You'll find out soon enough."Shyly Lucia nodded as the two made it to B terminal where their luggage was weighed and quickly placed on the plane. Soon after both Lucia and Lelouch boarded the plane,sitting in first class.

The first class area consisted of a large flat screen TV,very comfortable chairs that could lay back,its own private bathroom,own kitchen,and a perfect view of the cockpit if they wished. Lucia peered around them as she took a sear beside Lelouch who placed his hand on hers. Soon the pilot's voice boomed through the plane intercom. "Good morning everyone I am your pilot James and I hope you enjoy your flight. We are about 10 hours from Paris,France our destination. Have a good day." He said,the message cutting off.

Lucia's eyes widened at his words. France! They were going to France! Happily Lucia wrapped her arms around Lelouch. She had always wanted to go to France as a child and now she would with her new husband. She couldn't imagine all that would happen. After all it was the city of love,anything could happen.

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