Turn 008

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Hours had passed and both Lucia and Lelouch were readying for the rescue of their comrades. And thanks to Zero's words,the Black Knights were under vow by Zero to take orders from Lucia. In his words "She is my equal in all ways,you will respect her,and you will obey her." Lucia remembered smiling at his words. Even though some of the Black Knights were against her.

She remembered how only moments ago Zero stood up before the many members. Lucia stared towards Zero,fully ready to defend herself and her beliefs to his men. "I am more than capable of explaining my actions to these men Zero." She informed Zero who she knew was smirking at her words. "I know how strong you are believe me Lucia. But I am afraid even you cannot fight every battle. Allow me to assist you." Zero told her.

Lucia sighed,crossing her arms in annoyance. She knew what he spoke of was true,but that didn't mean she wasn't upset about it. Lucia released a low growl in annoyance before nodding towards him. "Very well." She commented,turning away from Zero.  Zero smiled through his mask as he opened his mouth to explain Lucia's situation to the members but was stopped by Lucia. Who had a very annoyed look on her face.

"I may have been out of commission for awhile but I am here now,to help you be free. And if you do not accept that fact then you are all fools." Lucia stated coldly as one of the men gripped his hand into a tight fist before muttering."Yeah,we got it." Before he and the other men began their preparations for the mission. Zero smirked,clapping his hands together at her performance

"Very nice,but I could have handled that." Zero commented as Lucia grabbed a few things to ready the Shinkiro as she responded"I know you were capable Zero,but that was not your battle. It was mine,and mine alone."Lucia spoke boldly as she handed Zero the flash drive. Which acted like a key for activating the Shinkiro.

Zero smiled,surprised that she was being so blunt towards him. He found her courage and will to stand up for herself fit for a leader,no an Empress. A woman to stand by his side when he took over Britannia. And she was it. Zero watched as Lucia ordered member after member to their positions. Explaining each of their rolls precisely to a t. She appeared so strong,and in her element. And most of all extremely attractive.

Zero shook his head free of those thoughts,he knew that he and Lucia had plenty of time to become reacquainted with eachother. But when it came to her,he just couldn't help himself. The way she smiled at him was to die for,the way she ordered people around with such authority and respect was something he quite enjoyed. The warmth that radiated from her lips when he kissed her,she was as pure and radiante as a saint herself. So beautiful,and untainted by him. Even with the mountains of blood they were destined to spill he knew that Lucia's heart,no her very soul would remain clean from the bloodshed.

It was just something about Lucia that made Zero aware of this. He knew after all the blood he had spilt there would be no doubt he would be cast away into the fiery pits of hell. But Lucia,the purity of her soul would no doubt make her worthy of heaven. Completely out of Lelouch's reach. And he was okay with that,as long as he had this time to be with her. He sighed as the hours went by and it was time for everyone to retire to their rooms.

Zero watched as Lucia made her way to his private room. She then plopped herself onto the large couch while flipping through channels to find something to watch on the TV. "Well the preparations are done." Zero said as he took off his mask revealing his face once more. Lucia nodded as she found a channel to watch,J-Pop which she just loved played in the room.

"Yes and tomorrow we save our friends." Lucia said as Lelouch playfully took the remote from her hands. He smiled changing from song to song until he found a slow and alluring song. Lelouch wanted to set the mood,he had plans for tonight. It would be the first of many apologies to Lucia.

She stared towards him in a confused manner as Lelouch sat down beside her,gently brushing his hand across her cheek sending pleasurable shivers down her spine. "W-what are you doing?" Lucia muttered as she soon found herself now straddling Lelouch's waist. Her body trembling in excitement as his hands ever so gently caressed her curves,while he slowly began to leave butterfly kisses down her neck to her collarbone.

"Need you ask? I'm beginning my apology to you." Lelouch whispered into her ear,playfully nibbling on her ear causing her to gasp in shock. Suddenly feeling a liquid fire between her legs. Lelouch smirked noticing Lucia's cheeks now a bright red,and her ragged breathes. She bit her bottom lip before positoning herself on top of Lelouch carefully, as she began to grind against him abit. Immediately casuibg a rise in his pants.

Lucia released a light giggle as she continued with her hips causing Lelouch to let out a low groan. "Well if this is your way of apologizing then you have a long way to go." Lucia whispered into his ear as Leluxh once again cupped her face in his hands. His voice laced with desire"Then we should start right now."He told her before crashing his lips onto Lucia's. She released a light moan into the kiss,hungrily returning it. Their bodies now pressed against eachother,yet even then the two sought more contact. They both wanted more,more of the fiery passion that seemed to seep through their very skin.

The two were locked in a never ending passion that refused to cease its assault on their bodies. Lelouch's gentle hands caressing Lucia's skin,the gentle kisses Lucia delivered to Lelouch's neck. All were merely introductions to their night of neverending pleasure.

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