Turn 009

701 23 3

Lucia stired from a dead sleep,feeling the rays of warm sunshine cascading on her body. She groaned lightly,carefully sitting up before hearing the light snoring beside her. Lucia smiled to herself before noticing the sleeping Lelouch by her side. His arms wrapped firmly around her waist keeping her in place. She released a light chuckle,as she leaned over kissing his cheek. It was funny how when he slept Lelouch seemed completely innocent. He looked nothing like the man who could manipulate others and sometimes even kill them. No at that moment,he was just Lelouch to Lucia. And more importantly,her Lelouch.

Carefully Lucia pried herself from Lelouch's surprisingly strong grip before getting dressed. Today was the day he had promised all The Black Knights. The day he would save their friends from the Britannians and she wanted to be a part of it. Only she didn't want Lelouch to know just yet,she smiled to herself before dressing in the almost skin and tight dark purple and black piloting attire Rakshata had made for Lucia before her capture.

Lucia quickly tired her silver hair in a messy bun before quietly leaving the room only to be caught by C2 who had a playful smirk on her lips. "Leaving already?" She teased as Lucia turned bright red at her words. She was not use to C2's playful half. To be frank it kinda scared her abit,but she pushed it aside. "Y-Yes,today is an important day." She told C2 before walking pass her friend who couldn't help but to tease her.

"More important than last night?" C2 teased immediately stopping Lucia in her tracks. An obvious red tint to her cheeks as she struggled with her words."The entire Chinese Federation could hear you two last night. It sounded quite.. Heated."She commented with a giggle as Lucia's blush deepened."I-I don't know what your talking about."Lucia muttered quietly before hurriedly leaving C2 in the hall who contuined to tease her to no end.

It wasn't her fault that people could hear them last night,they should have put ear plugs in or something. Lucia sighed as memories of last night filled her mind in a welcoming haze. Lelouch's lips pressed gently against her neck,leaving a trail of fire in its wake. She remembered gripping onto the sheets as she felt Lelouch push himself into her rather slowly. Careful not to hurt her. He refused to move unless Lucia gave him the okay and when she did it was slow tortuous movement. But she knew he was only trying to be gentle with her,and she appreciated it.

Lucia's smiled widened as she shook her head free of those thoughts before making her way to the Knightmare frame where she stared up towards her custom made Knightmare. It use to be called the "Hildegard" but since then the Chinese Federation along with some left over specs Rakshata had left she had created a completely new Knightmare frame. Superior to even the Lancelot and Shinkiro. She called it the "Crysalia" which she thought fit it perfectly. Especially with its rare and interesting looking float system.

Lucia gently ran her hand down the cold metal of the "Crysalia" smiling. "It's quite a beauty,that Knightmare." A man's voice commented,and echoed throughout the hangar. Lucia immediately turned to see the tall form of Li Xingke walking towards her. She sighed,crossing her arms in front of her chest. Lucia remembered the last words the two exchanged and they weren't pleasant ones either.

"What do you want Xingke?" Lucia asked as Xingke stopped a few feet away from her admiring both her and the silver and blue chromed machine. "I'm just admiring things from afar." He answered her as Lucia turned away from him,her back now facing him. "Admiring what exactly?" She questioned as Li Xingke now only a mere few inches from her seemed to tower over Lucia's form.

He leaned his head down abit before whispering a single word to her. "You." It was a simple response and one that was unwlecomed. Lucia shoved him away from her before stepping a few feet from him. "Your words are unnecessary, I have all that I want." Lucia told him as Xingke smirked at her words. "Yes,I heard that the man you were sad over had returned. And who is he?" Xingke asked as a familiar voice boomed through the hangar. "That would be me." A stern voice sounded,as Lucia turned towards the hangar entrance to see Zero.

A wave of relief washed over her as he made his way to her. But soon stopped and made eye contact with Li Xingke. Just by looking at his body language,Lucia knew he was angry. "Is there something you needed,from my Mistress?" Zero asked,venom dripping from every syllable as Xingke stood firmly as he answered. "No,it was nothing. We will finish our conversation later Lady Lucia." He called out to her as Lucia immediately snapped "Like hell we will." In annoyance.

A smirk appeared on Xingke's lips as he turned and left the hangar. Lucia sighed as Zero walker over to her,gently pressing her against the newly polished Knightmare. "Z-Zero?" Lucia muttered as Zero refused to answer before he pulled his mask up abit before crashing his lips against Lucia's. His kiss was firm and abit forceful. As if he was trying to bombard Lucia with all his feelings of love and jealousy all at once. But there was no reason to.

Lucia knew how he felt,she knew he loved her. More than what he could say or show,he just wanted to confirm that she was his. And that he was hers. Lucia welcomed his sudden kiss,the two his away in a dark corner of the hangar as their tongues danced with one another wrestling for dominance. And today Lelouch had won the battle,Lucia released a low gasp as Lelouch plunged his tongue into her mouth. All the whole wrapping one of her legs around his waist tugging her closer to him.

The two were soon interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Immediately Lucia pulled Lelouch's mask back on,and straightened herself abit to only meet the amused eyes of C2. "You two can't seem to keep your hands off each other lately." She commented as Lucia blushed brightly while playing with a strand of her hair shyly. While Zero stood fixing his shirt."Doesn't matter what we do C2,as long as work gets done."He said as C2 nodded towards him as one after one members of the Black Knights filed into the hanger ready for their mission.

Soon many Knightmare frames had taken flight from the hangar. Along with both C2 and Zero who shared the controls for the Shinkiro. Lucia didn't mind one bit,she wanted some quality time with "Crysalia". She smiled as she inserted the flash drive into its rightful place. As quickly the machine seemed to roar and come to life as the lights blinked all around her. Lucia smiled as she activated the float system.

Slowly the energy wings began to emerge from the back of Crysalia, only the hue of them changed from many colors. Almost as many colors as the rainbow. Lucia smiled as Crysalia soared straight into the air,effortlessly catching up with other and Zero who spotted the prison transports in front of the Chinese Federation with familar faces of their comrades in tow.

Of course Kallen was the first to break rank as she dove head first towards her friends. Screaming for Ohgi who looked up towards the Knightmare frames a smile evident on his face knowing he maybe saved today. Immediately Zero changed the plan ordering many of his men to assist Kallen while the others took to the sky. Keeping the oncoming enemy Knightmares at bay.

While on the other hand Lucia decided against the plan. She really wanted to test out exactly how strong the specs were on Crysalia. Lucia immediately dove downwards towards a fairly large group of enemy Knightmare. Quickly forming the twin blades into Crysalia's hands. Without any hesitation the Crysalia took down Knightmare after Knightmare almost in no time flate. Allowing Kallen to free their friends from their restraints.

Lucia smiled as their newly freed members ran for shelter in the Chinese Federation while both Kallen and Lucia remained at the front lines. Staring down the ground units Britannia had brought along with them. Hesitantly the Britannian forces were seen abandoning their attacks as one after one the Black Knights cheered their victory. But Lucia did no such thing as she spotted an enemy Knightmare frame aiming a bazooka at Zero's unit.

She screamed for Zero as she rushed to his side only to be beaten there by a single enemy unit. The unit sacrificed its own left arm to stop the bazooka. It had to be an ally in there,even if it wasn't then it defiantly was now. Lucia watched as Zero carefully helped the unit inside the Chinese Federation as the doors closed on the group ending the fight. While inside the newly reunited members of the Black Knights drank and toasted to the return of their comrades.

After Zero welcomed back Tohdoh and the Holy Swords back to their home.Zero left to deal with the enemy Knightmare who had saved him. Behind closed doors Lucia,Lelouch, and C2 awaited for the pilot of the enemy unit to reveal himself. To be none other than Rolo,Lelouch's so called little brother. In other words a replacement for Nunally. With no one else to turn to and afraid that the faction he worked for would find him out Rolo allied himself with Zero. It seemed everything was slowly falling into place for Zero. For now anyway.

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