Turn 005

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Lucia gripped onto Lelouch tightly for dear life. Enjoying the warm embrace the two shared. It had been a year since she felt so happy,so at peace it was almost a foreign emotion to her. And now she refused to let these emotions go. With tears blurry her vision she looked up to Lelouch who smiled warmly towards her,while wiping the now overflowing tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry I left you for so long,I did this to you." He whispered. His voice filled with sadness and regret,while Lucia gripped onto him. Even tighter if possible, as she nuzzled her face into his chest shaking her head. "N-No. It wasn't you. I should have been stronger....I disappointed you." She mumbled quietly.

Lelouch shook his head as he gripped onto her waist once more."No you could never dissapoint me Lucy,never."He whispered before speaking again. "I left you alone,and I alone am the one to blame for the state you are in now." Lelouch whispered to her quietly as Lucia held back fresh tears. "You did nothing wrong, you did what you could." He told her while wiping tears from her face once more.

"I had no idea me leaving would hurt you so much Lucy... Forgive me." Lelouch whispered to her once more as Lucia smiled faintly,listening to his heart beat against her ear. "Its alright...it doesn't matter anymore...your here now." Lucia told him as she stared up towards him,before feeling Lelouch's warm lips pressed against hers.

It felt as if a surge of electricity was being shot through her entire body. And she was ecstatic about it. Lucia soon found herself wrapping her arms around Lelouch's neck, tugging him closer to her. He smirked into the kiss,before wrapping both arms firmly around her waist,hungrily deepening the kiss. At first the kiss was sweet,gentle even timid really. But the moment their bodies were pressed against each other it was as if a liquid fire had ignited within the two.

Soon both Lucia and Lelouch's bodies were intertwined. Her hands running through Lelouch's hair,gripping onto it firmly. Causing Lelouch to release a low and almost animalistic growl. Lucia smiled against his lips as well the two's tongues wrestled for dominance. Stealing Lucia's air from her very lungs,she gasped lightly before pulling away hesitantly. Struggling to catch her breathe causing Lelouch to smirk towards her.

"I have am entire year to make it up to you Lucia." Lelouch stated as he gently caressed her cheek,as immediately heat raised to her cheeks. She shyly nodded as Lelouch's soft gaze turned into a serious one. "But right now,I need you Lucia. Zero needs you by his side." Lelouch stated as Lucia's heart fluttered at his words. His words shook her to her very core and moved her in both body and spirit.

He needed her,Lelouch did. He truly always had. Even as children she was the one person who put Lelouch in his place when he acted spoiled. And now she was doing the same thing even now. She was his rock, the one constiant thing in his life he needed on a daily basis. It more than the fact that Lelouch needed her,she knew he loved her more than anything. But it was something else.

It was the fact that Zero,the Terrorist. The leader of The Black Knights,the weilder of geass and tactics. He needed her, and most of all he needed her by his side as his woman. And how could she say no? Lucia was moved as she stood up straight her formal prowless as a woman. A strong and independent woman came to be known in her mind once more.

A smile appeared on Lucia's lips as she nodded towards Lelouch. "I'll do whatever you need me to do,Lelouch." She whispered to him as Lelouch tenderly planted a kiss on her cheek. "Good,now we should get going. We have somewhere to be." Lelouch said as Lucia nodded asking him where."Were going to show to Britannians that Zero is far from dead. And is back."He told her as Lucia leaned against his shoulder smiling. "Along with his Mistress as well." He finished with a smirk.

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