Turn 014

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The plan was set,after a few days of planning. Lucia,C2 and of course Lelouch had come up with one heck of a plan. The plan was to abduct the Vicroy Nunally,from her captures in Britannia. And to finally reunite Nunally with her dear brother Lelouch. Lucia only prayed that they would be able to retrieve Nunally. She knew Lelouch's very sanity depended on it. One after one Knightmare frame pilots began to board their large machines. More than ready to battle against the Britannians.

Especially Lelouch or now Zero who boarded his Knightmare frame with C2 close behind. Although before everyone left the hangar each and everyone of them were briefed on their target. Their target was the Vicroy Nunally,who was to be delivered to Zero without harm. And Lucia would make sure of this. Lucia too boarded her Knightmare frame "Crysalia" activating it as its lights flickered to life.

One after one Knightmares took to the sky. Along with the "Crysalia", " Shinkiro" and the "Guren Mk II". All with a mission to retrieve Vicroy Nunally,alive. Lucia commanded the " Crysalia " with ease. Using its advanced float system to soar effortlessly in the air beside the "Guren". Together both of them would be the force to break down the Britannian defenses.

"You take the left! I'll take the right!" Kallen told Lucia over the channel. "You got it Kallen!" Lucia said as she and Kallen went their seperate ways and began to slice their ways through the Britannian defenses. All the while the ground troops continued to attack the Britannians as well. While up in the air the "Shinkiro" made its way into the air fortress. The fortress that Lelouch's dear sister Nunally was on board.

"Leave the Vicroy to me!" Zero called out to the both of them as the "Shinkiro" dissapeared from sight in to the floating fortress. "Right." Kallen and Lucia answered before the two effortlessly sliced through enemy Knightmares. Although the battle had just begun,Lucia had a horrible feeling. Like somethibg bad was about to happen. It had been awhile but the sharp and pulsating pain in her head was just as unbearable before. She gritted her teeth,while gripping her head. Now unable to operate "Crysalia" through the pain.

Kallen rushed to her side,asking if she was alright. But her voice seemed miles away,all Lucia could see. No all she could concentrate were the vivid images before her eyes. She saw images of the young Nunally,dressed entirely in a pink dress. Nunally sat in a wheelchair in the middle of a vast and lushes garden onboard. While in front of her Zero stood, walking towards her with trembling feet. He had done it,finally he and Nunally would be reunited. And Lucia was more than happy for them, until suddenly the lush greenery around the two began to wilt. And before Lucia could even blink that cursed Knightmare frame the "Lancelot" appeared.

Stealing Nunally from the now distraught Zero. A loud ear shattering scream erupted from Zero,along with Lucia. Feeling his hope now shattering at Nunally being taken. Lucia thought it was over but it appeared that this premonition was longer and stronger than others. Another images formed of the "Lancelot" breaking through the Black Knights defenses and appeared before Kallen and Lucia keeping the two at bay easily. Lucia's eyes widened as the shouts of Kallen shook her,breaking the trance she had been in. "Kallen..." Lucia some in a shaky voice as the two soon heard the screams of their comrades. Noticing that Suzaku Kururugi had arrived with the "Lancelot" in tow.

"I have to get to Zero, can you keep that white Knightmare away?" Lucia asked now regaining her former composure. "I can try." Kallen said as she stood in front of the "Crysalia" awaiting for the "Lancelot". Lucia quickly maneuvered her machine pass Kallen and into the floating airship. She quickly ran through the airship bypassing enemy Knightmare frames as if they were meesly flies. Lucia had to get to Zero,she had to help him.

Soon Lucia came to the garden clearing spotting Zero walking towards Nunally. Nunally tensed up as she backed up in her chair fearfully. If only she knew it was her brother before her,Lucia was sure she would change her mind towards Zero. Everything seemed to be going well,with no White Knightmare in sight. That is until a loud crashing noise sounded around them,and before Lucia could even blink the " Lancelot"had appeared and like her premonition was stealing Nunally away.

Zero released the familer ear shattering scream as C2 using the "Shinkiro" ushered Zero our of the airship. Lucia watched feeling as if everything had come apart. They had lost.

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