Turn 022

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A crowd quickly circled Zero and Schneizel as the two took their seats opposite of each other. The two men staring intensely towards one another as the crowd continued to grow. Lucia stood beside Zero,quietly hoping and praying he would win. She knew he had the skills,but as she thought about it Schneizel was the only opponent Lelouch could never beat. He was always a challenge. Pushing Lelouch to his limits so much it made him angry. And yet here he was again testing Lelouch once more.

Schneizel made the first move placing one of his pawns forward a space. His expression was unreadable and it made Lucia nervous. She and Kallen looked to Zero who followed Schneizel's example placing his pawn forward as well. He was playing it safe. For now anyway. Lucia felt as if she was a prize being auctioned off to the highest bidder. If Schneizel won... If he won....she could only imagine the horrors.

The terrible things he would do to her. Not only for abandoning Britannia but for leaving him for a terrorist. Lucia knew his temper well and wished to steer clear of his rath. Till this day she was still frightened of him. Frightened of the man who forced himself onto her and stole her virginity in a ruthless manner. He was no man,but a monster. Lucia cringed at her thoughts,gripping onto the side of Zero chair tightly.

She and many onlookers continued to watch as soon both men were backed into a corner. Kallen was very surprised by this,Zero was always the top strategist. And for him to be forced into a corner was a new experience for her. "Are you ready to give up Zero? You have no other moves left." Schneizel mocked with a smirk evident on his face. He smugly leaned back in his chair with a confident look on his face before staring up towards Lucia. His smirk turned into an almost evil grin towards Lucia that made her want to run.

"Just hand over my wife and I will be on my way." Schneizel stated cooly as he motioned for his guards to take Lucia. She stepped back fearfully while Kallen stood in front of her glaring towards them. "Don't worry." Kallen told Lucia as she readied herself to attack but was stopped by Zero's words. "You are mistaken Schneizel I do have a move left." He said before taking hold of his "King".

Schneizel's eyes widened as he sat up in his chair. " You wouldn't! That's suicide!"He exclaimed as a smirk appeared on Zero's lips."How can a king expect his followers to follow him if he doesn't lead?"He questioned with a smirk before placing his "King" at the center of the crossfire. Schneizel regained his composure smirking. "Then I shall do the same." He said as he held onto his "King" as well. Placing it forward before his pawns. And truly the game was at a standstill. "Its a tie?" Kallen whispered in shock and confusion.

"Well it looks like neither of us is the winner."Zero concluded with a smile under his mask, although Schneizel was very determined. He swore he would have Lucia in his possession once more. And a little chess game was not going to stop him. "It appears that way,although you did not win Zero. The terms we agreed on were if you win she kept her freedom." Schneizel stated as Zero rose to his feet enraged. "Those were the terms but you didn't win either. Lucia is still free." Zero stated as Lucia stepped back fearfully. "I am afraid I cannot afford to allow her to out of my sight anymore." Schneizel stated as he extended his hand for Lucia's who shook her head.

"Luciana." Schneizel called to her once more hoping to make his old fling to his bidding once more. But she refused,she refused to be sucked into his horrible world of torture anymore. Lucia angrily slapped his hand away shocking herself,Schneizel and the onlookers. "I don't belong to you anymore." Lucia told him building up the calm and collected woman that Zero loved. Zero smiled at her actions as Schneizel glared grabbing onto her wrist tugging her to him violently.

Kallen began to intervene but soon noticed that Lucia had everything under control. Lucia's gaze trailed to the ground, her long silver hair hiding her face from view. "I'm not..." Lucia began as the air around her began to ripple violently causing Schneizel to jump away from her fearfully. "I'm not the girl you can beat anymore!!!" She screamed angrily as her geass symbol made itself known on her forehead. It gave off a bright pulsating crimson light which spread out across the room. Suddenly the room fell dead silent,and everyone seemed to be stalled. Frozen in place around Lucia, Kallen and Zero.

"W-what the-?" Zero exclaimed as he peered around the three. Staring in utter confusion towards the crowd around them now frozen in time. "What the hell happened?" Kallen asked the two as Lucia stepped forward,her geass symbol remaining visable on her head. "I-I....I did this." Lucia whispered her voice barely audiable, Zero turned towards her in shock. He knew that as a witch Lucia had certain abilities but something like this...freezing time. Was just unbelievable.

"How'd you do all this?" Kallen questioned as she stepped forward to poke one of the noblemen before her. Who continued to stand as still as a statue. "I don't know,I just....I just wanted everything to stop so bad." Lucia muttered before hearing a familar childish voice that caused her heart to pound loudly in her chest. "And you did,my oh my." The voice commented as the three turned soon spotting V2 among the crowd with a smirk on his lips.

Immediately Zero stood in front of V2 protectively, extending his arm in front of her. His large cloak hiding her from V2's view. "What are you doing here?!" Zero spat angrily towards V2 to laughed menacingly. "I'm here to watch the show. And my what an amazing show it is indeed. Your power is....interesting. Just like 'she'was." V2 commented as he stepped forward towards the group. Lucia gripped onto Zero's arm tightly urging him to run. She had seen V2's regenerative power and she knew he couldn't stay down for long. They would only have one small opening and Lucia would make it.

"Run." Lucia whispered to both Zero and Kallen. Immediately Zero shook his head as he held onto her waist in a firm grip. "I won't abandon my wife." Zero declared as Lucia stared up towards the masked man. Admiring his words yes,but a bit annoyed at how stubborn he was being. "You'd geass won't work on him! He will kill you!" Lucia exclaimed as V2 smirked"Actually I'm not here to kill anyone."He informed the group as Lucia and Zero stared in shock. "Then what exactly are you here for?" Zero asked in an irritated manner as V2 smiled as he walked across the room eying the people still frozen in place.

"I just came to confirm something." V2 said with a smile as he eyed Lucia especially the geass symbol on her head. "And what did you confirm exactly?" Zero asked as V2 smirked before turning towards the group. "The code she has,its much more power than mine or C2's combined. But that's to be expected she does have 'The Code'." V2 told them as Zero glared towards the child. "What code?" He asked visibily becoming irritated and this made V2 very happy. "Code Euripe." V2 stated as Lucia's eyes widened at the name as her forehead gave off the bright crimson light once more.

"W-whats happening?!" Lucia exclaimed gripping onto her head as a searing pain made itself known to her. Zero held onto the pained body hoping to console her but to no avail. V2 laughed towards her"Yes! As I thought! Your exactly what we need. Charles will be pleased."He said with a smile as the light lashed out around the group forcing V2 away from the group. V2 quickly left the room but not before noticing Lucia as she fell into Zero's chest,her limp body becoming abit heavy in his grip.

Immediately the crowd unfroze and continued their business while Kallen and ushered Lucia's limp form out of the party. "We will postpone this Schneizel." Zero stated as he turned to hurriedly leave the room. His mind on one thing,his concern for his wife. And whatever code V2 believed she held. "Code Euripe."

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