Turn 026

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Elsewhere the shadowy figure stalked outside the Black Knights hideout. Carefully eying the perimeter which was covered in head to toe with guards. But even so it was nothing the figure couldnt handle. He had been trained for 10 years for such a mission. This was nothing but child's play to him. He smirked before quickly hiding behind a nearby building eyeing one of the guards. Who held heavy arsenal in his hands.

The guard peered around him curiously for a moment. Believing he had heard something,but simply shrugged it off before returning to his rounds. And that was exactly what the figure wanted. He quietly stood in the shadows waiting for his chance to strike out. Soon his chance came as he wrapped his arms roughly around the guard.

He scrambled in his grip before becoming silent as a snapping noise sounded around him. The guard slumped to the ground his neck broken in many fragments. The figure then drug the corpse out of sight before stripping it of its clothes. Along with  his access key which the figure believed would be more than useful. After changing into the uniform the figure snuck into the base.

Nodding at the appropriate times when other guards would speak to him. He then passed by the Black Knights Ace,Kallen Kozuki who stood in front of his targets room. Kallen eyed him for a moment crossing her arms over her chest. "I've never seen you before,are you new?" She questioned as the figure nodded towards her. "Yes I'm from the Yukawa district. They call me Kuro." The man stated as Kallen nodded towards him.

"Kuro huh? Well I know your one of us but I can't let you go any further." Kallen told him as for a second the man gritted his teeth. He knew Kallen Kozuki was no ordinary woman and if he engaged her it would be a difficult fight that he could lose. "I understand, however.   " the man began before appearing swiftly behind Kallen grabbing her arm. Twisting it upwards causing her to grunt in pain.

"I need to get through." He finished as Kallen glared "You son of a bitch,who sent you?!" She demanded as the man applied more pressure on her arm causing her to release another yelp in pain. "That's none of your concern." He stated as he applied pressure on Kallen's pressure point on her neck. She gasped at the pain before finding herself becoming drowsy.

Unable to keep her eyes open she slumped to the ground unconscious as the man stepped over her. As if she was nothing but trash before using his key card on the door. Immediately the electronic door opened revealing the sleeping form of Lucia. She lay on her bed completely undisturbed with a calm expression on her face.

The man eyed her quietly reaching over to gently caress her warm cheek. At the sudden touch Lucia's eyes shot open. And as soon as she made eye contact with the man her eyes widened in shock. "B-Brother?" She asked in disbelief towards the man who stood before her. He was a fairly tall man at least 5'8 with unruly raven black hair. So similar to their mother's it was uncanny.

But his eyes,his eyes were cold. Void of any emotion that use to envelope them. "James what are you-?" Lucia began as the man known as James pulled out a syringe that held a emerald liquid. He roughly pinned Lucia to the bed,before directly injecting it into her neck. Almost immediately her heart beat began to decrease,a long with her lungs. And her inability to move. She was paralyzed.

James quickly slung Lucia over his shoulder who struggled to form words. "D-Dont.....B-Brother." She muttered before passing out to James happiness. He then quickly made his way out of the Black Knights base with his target in hand. He knew that his master V2 would be very pleased.

And with this world would be recreated. With Lucia's blood spilt the world be be anew,she would be a noble sacrifice.

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