Turn 021

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After composing herself,Lucia quickly dressed in her long flowing dark blue dress. It flailed out abit but not too.much,the dress itself held laced sleeves that went down to her wrists. A matching dark blue rose in her hair,and matching heels on her feet. C2 carefully applied her makeup,making sure to hide Lucia's pale face. She thanked her dear friend before walking over to Zero who waited for her. With she knew was an evident smile under his mask. "Your beautiful." Zero commented Lucia as Lucia gently gripped onto his hand smiling faintly. "You always say that." Lucia muttered shyly towards him.

Zero smiled as he led Lucia down the stairs to the party. Where around lovely Chinese oriented finger foods,and drinks. Along with crimson dragon decorations that littered across the entire ballroom. Everyone conversed among themselves happily but soon the chatter ceased as Zero and Lucia entered the room. Lucia took a deep breathe as the two continued to walk. She felt nervous and most of all she felt uneasy,and she didn't like it.

Lucia gripped onto Zero's arm tightly as he gently patted her arm. Reassuring her that everything would be alright. But even with his gesture Lucia just couldn't shake it. Something bad was going to happen,she could feel it. And that was when it happened. Standing across the Ballroom wearing his white robes was Schneizel. Lucia's eyes widened as she gripped onto Zero's arm tightly. Zero followed her gaze as he glared through his mask.

Schneizel made eye contact with Lucia causing her blood to run cold. A smirk appeared on Schneizel's lips as he motioned for her to come closer. Lucia immediately averted her gaze to the ground. Refusing to make anymore eye contact then necessary. "Your safe with me."Zero reassured her as Lucia bit her bottom lip. Even if Lelouch said she was safe she certainly didn't feel like it. Especially now.

Soon Schneizel started walking towards the two. Kallen stood in front of the two,guarding them from anyone that was unwelcome. And that included Schneizel, she stood tall with a stern look on her face. " Did you need something with Zero?"She questioned with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Schneizel put on his trade mark pretty boy smile before replying"Yes actually,I would like to speak to him about MY wife."He informed Kallen causing him to grimace. "Your wife?" She asked in an annoyed manner as Zero stepped forward. While Lucia remained hidden behind,nervousness already evident on her face.

"Exactly what kind of business do you have with my wife?" Zero asked Schneizel with a smirk on his face as Schneizel gritted his teeth. Zero knew he was getting under the White Prince's skin. Schneizel quickly regained his composure his cold eyes boring into Zero's. "She is my wife Zero,not yours. She was promised to me by the Emperor and her father. She is mine." Schneizel stated as he stepped forward to Lucia before his hand was roughly grabbed by Kallen.

Schneizel's eyes widened in shock at her strong grip. "Don't touch her." Kallen growled as immediately Schneizel's guards appeared around the 3. The guards circled Kallen as she readied herself for a fight. "That's enough Kallen." Zero shouted as Kallen opened her mouth to say something back,but silenced herself. Straightening her posture,surrending to the guards.

"I assume you came here solely to take Lucia,correct?" Zero asked cooly,his right hand firmly linked with Lucia's trembling hand. "Your correct and I'm not leaving without her." Schneizel stated as Zero peered around the room spotting a chess set. "Then perhaps you'd like to play a game? I win Lucia is free from you." "And if I win she returns to Britannia as my wife." Schneizel finished with a smirk. "Then let the game begin." Zero stated as Lucia gripped onto his arm tightly. "Zero...." She began as he tenderly caressed her cheek, hoping to steady her beating heart. Zero had no plans to lose. He was playing for Lucia's freedom,and he refused to lose.

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