Turn 010

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Dear Readers,

Sorry for being away so long! I just started a new job so until I get my training down I'll just be posting on my days off. :( I am working on Turn  011 as we speak! Hope you enjoy!


A few days have passed since the recovery of the many Black Knight members from Britannia and already things were heated. With the threat of being found out by 'The Order" Lelouch decided to return to school. To avoid any chance of discovery. Both Lucia and C2 agreed with his decision,although deep down Lucia only wished she could go with him. But Lucia knew she could not. Since she openly denied any affiliation with Britannia she was seen as a traitor to the Britannians, along with some of her own people.

Lucia knew she would not be welcomed on Britannian soil. So she knew that she and Lelouch would have no choice but to be separated once again. She sighed as Lelouch gave her a gentle peck on the for head. One again reassuring her that he would return soon when his work at school was done. Lucia knew that Lelouch's words to her were gold,but deep down a part of her wanted to know for sure. It wanted him to swear to her that he would return.

"Swear to me Lelouch." Lucia breathed as Lelouch smiled warmly towards the woman he loved. Carefully he cupped her heart shaped face in his hands, before making eye contact with her. "I swear to you,I will come back. I still have to fullfil my promises to you." He told her as Lucia blinked back oncoming tears,refusing to let them fall. She nodded towards him as she watched Lelouch step into a car,one of the unmarked vehicles the Black Knights had obtained for him.

Lelouch looked to the window,spotting Lucia standing quietly. Her long flowing silver hair flailing about as she blinked back her brimming tears. She wore a short Chinese dress it was trimmer in black and crimson with a Chinese dragon which seemed to crawl up the material of the dress. Lucia smiled through her tears as she turned away from Lelouch leaving the hangar.

It broke his heart knowing that him leaving her again had caused her pain. But there was nothing he could do. He sighed as C2 started the car and drove from the Black Knights hideout and utter silence. C2 herself had been acting abit differently lately. She seemed to have an opinion on quite abit of things lately. Especially if it had anything to do with Lucia and how inseparable the two had been since he returned.

"So what will you do now?" C2 questioned as she parked the unmarked car in the Shinjuku ghetto. One of the many places where anything related to Zero or the Black Knights would remain hidden thanks to his many supporters. "Return to school,and pretend to be the straight A student who is simply stuck in a rutt is all." Lelouch stated,stepping out of the car and fixing his shirt collar.

"And Lucia?" C2 asked as she leaned against the driver's side. Lelouch knew she would ask that,he also knew how much C2 really cared about Lucia. It was almost as if the two were sisters if you could believe it. "I need her,more than anything. And I will make her happy." Lelouch answered truthfully causing C2 to smile. " It seems you plan on keeping your promise to her. That's good." C2 said as Lelouch rolled his eyes as the two began walking to Ashford.

Of course he would keep his promise to Lucia. He had made his promise to her years ago in Aries Villa. It was a day filled with utter joy and happiness, before everything came crumbling down. Lelouch remembered the happy giggles that erupted from Lucia as the two played as children. And the day that he told his mother he wished to marry her,was the day he revealed his heart and soul to her. A young and embarrassed Lelouch blushed brightly before he shouted "I promise you everything you could ever want. B-Because you deserve so much more!" He exclaimed towards the young and now blushing Lucia.

He remembered how happy she looked,and also how beautiful her smile was that day. Lucia smiled brightly towards him before leaning over and kissing Lelouch's cheek. Lelouch's blush deepened as he felt his face turn bright red at her actions. "Good! Then I'll be waiting Lulu, for you to make my dreams come true." She told him.

Lelouch signed at the distant memory,he had made Lucia wait 10 years and he had yet to deliever his promise to her. But now times had changed,now he felt the day he would keep his promise was drawing near. Lelouch smiled as he soon made it to Ashford,where C2 immediately made herself scarce. He soon walked into his classroom with utter shock on his face at the person that stood before him.

The person he thought would be there for him,maybe even be Nunally's Knight. Her protector. Instead he had betrayed him and any friendship they had was shattered in an instant. Before Lelouch stood his childhood friend Suzaku Kururugi, who smiled towards him. A false smile that Lelouch knew all to well. Suzaku introduced himself. Saying that he would now be returning to class even though he was The Knight of Seven. Lelouch glared as he tool his seat smiling towards him old friend. But inside he was seething with rage. This was an event he did not see,and right now he wanted nothing more than to wring this traitors neck.

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