Turn 003

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Lucia now sat beside C2 who now appeared to be getting things arranged for a trip. She appeared to be taking to remainder of their Knightmare frames and pilots. Just where exactly was she going? Only the words of C2 replayed in Lucia's mind echoing around her in a continuous loop. "I will bring him back to you." Over and over she heard it. For the first few months of leaving Lelouch those were the only words that stopped Lucia from falling apart. But now they were just...empty.

Even though C2 had promised to bring Lelouch back to her,Lucia felt nothing. No joy,no relief,only disappointment. Because in her mind he had already died. The day she was forced to leave Lelouch behind to be possibly killed by V2. He had already died,and if only she would have stayed. Fought against C2 about leaving him behind then just maybe. Maybe she would be alive to her. But he wasn't.

Only the memories of their intimate moments remained. They were all Lucia had,the one thing that she held onto with shaking fingers. They were her treasures,and without them she believed she would truly become insane. She quietly leaned against the wall,the familer scent of lavander and musk filled the air around her. She smilef faintly knowing it was only her mind playing games with her. A coping mechanism, but at the moment she didn't care. She just wanted to get lost in it. Her fantasy.

And she allowed it,she allowed her mind to create the one thing she wanted the most in the world. Lelouch. Him by her side,just him. Only him. His familer touch upon her cheek sent her body in a frenzy,as her eyes were now glued to his beautiful lavender ones. The eyes she fell in love with as a child,and now continued to haunt her nightmares. "I'm sorry to have left you alone for so long." Her illusion whispered into her ear. This illusion was indeed a good one,his words caressing her neck sending shivers down her spine.

"P-Promise me-" Lucia choked out,as tears began to roll down her cheeks. Her imagination running on her pain and love for a man she'd never see. Lucia soon found her arms wrapped around her Phantom Lover's neck as his words of love began to soothe her. He swore to her,swore he would never leave her. Swore he would love her till the end of time,till the end of her days. And that is what triggered her,what brought Lucia back from the brink of believing its words.

"But you did,you left me." Lucia breathed through her tears as her illusion stared down towards her. Its eyes revealing pain and unrelenting regret as its body began to fade away into the air. Lucia instinctively extended her hand for her phantom pleading with him to stay with her. But received no answer. Only the concerned words of C2 who informed her that she was leaving.

Lucia quietly nodded,her tear stained face not daring to look at her friend. C2 stared towards the broken remnants of her friend truly feeling sorry for her. It had been centuries since C2 had felt anything so strong for a human. But it was to be expected,she had found a fellow witch and all witches are bound together. By magic and a sisterhood. And the sister that lay before her,she knew she would not last in this world without him any longer.

Which was why today,she would answer Lucia's prayers. She would bring Lelouch back to her,her lover,her salvation. And bring her back from the brink of her despair. If she made it back in time. C2 soon bid Lucia farewell,along with Kallen and a handful of trusted Black Knights. The group set out on a mission that desperately needed to succeed.

Elsewhere outside of the Chinese Federation an attack on Battle Tower had been initiated. Both Britannians and Japanese struggled to leave the crumbling building only to earn early graves for many. But Lelouch and his little brother Rolo had no plans of being casutalies. The two brothers ran through the building only to be seperated as the floor caved in below Lelouch's feet. He stared up towards his little brother who struggled to reach him,and failed as Lelouch plumetted at least 7 floors down.

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