Turn 029

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Dear Readers,

Turn 029 and 030 will be the final chapters and end of Lost Requiem. I hope you guys enjoyed Lucia and Lelouch's journey together. And that you will take a look at some of my other works. Like "Crystal of the Heart" thank you again and I hope you guys enjoy.


Months have passed since the large eruption of power cast its shadow across the world. The power known as Code Euripe had indeed done a bit of damage to the world,but had suddenly been contained. Surprisingly Lelouch, C2 and even Lucia had survived. But Charles Zi Britannia had not. The group could not even find his remains in C's world. C2 gathered that the power surge of Code Euripe was too much for the power hungry man. And in return had become his downfall in the end.

It wasn't the ending that Lelouch was looking for but it would do. He also did not count on the appearance of his old friend and traitor Suzaku. Along with his mother,who was supposedly dead. Marianne explained her and Charles plan to rid the world of lies. And was even to the point of yelling at her son for meddling. But surprisingly it was Suzaku who came to Lelouch's side. Bidding her to not come near his friend.

It appeared the the concentrated power of "Code Euripe" and C's world was erasing anything and everything it deemed dangerous to the world. And this included Lady Marianne. She stared in shock as she peered towards C2 who remained unscathed. "B-But why?! You were a part of this as much as I was." She cried as her body slowly began to fade away into C's world. "No..I gave up on this foolish plan long ago." C2 stated as Marianne angrily longed towards C2 but was forced away by Lucia.

She held her hand in front of her dear friend,creating a barrier that forced Marianne away. Marianne gasped in pain before turning towards Lelouch with a sad expression on her face. "I did this...for us." She breathed before completely disappearing into the world. "No,the only love you ever had was for your1self." He breathed,before Lucia stood by his side. Lacing their fingers together firmly,he smiled warmly returning her grip.

Although his gaze was fixated on Suzaku who continued to glare at him. "You killed Euphie." "What of it?" Lelouch asked in a low tone, while C2 sighed. "Enough of this,Charles is dead. Which means-" She began while Lelouch stood tall. "I am the Emperor." He said as C2 nodded. Suzaku grumbled as he and his old friend struck a deal. Suzaku would become the "Knight of Zero". A knight above all in power,and he would serve Lelouch. But that was just the verbal contract. In reality the two men had forged an even deeper contract. One written in blood and most of all. One Lucia had no idea had been forged.

Lelouch hastily took the throne, using his now advanced geass power to order he be recognized as the new Emperor. Along with Lucia who would be known as his Empress. Since that day she had never left his side. Even though he was doing many cruel things,such as forcing himself into the United Nations,and harming old friends. She continued to stand by his side. With the same calm expression she always held.

And every horrible crime her dear husband had xommited and would commit his words continued to ring in her head. " Everything I do is necessary. " till this day his words rung true. But his words would be tested when he forced little Nunally to hand over the Damocles key to him. Using his geass on her,and forcing her into chains was something Lucia struggled with.

On more than one occasion she confronted him with her concerns. Only to get a cold shoulder from him,which he never did. Lelouch was always very open to her. So why? Why did now he decide to pull away from her? Didn't he need her? Lucia began to notice Lelouch pull away from her more and more. And he began to keep secrets and she didn't understand why. But Lucia was hiding her own secret.

Lucia gently rubbed her slowly rounding stomach,with a warm smile on her face. She was pregnant, and with Lelouch's child no doubt but she just couldn't tell him. He had been pulling away from her more and more and it hurt. She wanted to share the good news to tell him he would be a proud father. But it never seemed to be the right time. When would it be the right time?

Lucia finally decided she would tell Lelouch the news after the display of his trimuph. Which would be held today in Britannia. Showing off all his prisoners of war which included Schneizel, more of the royal family. Black Knights and little Nunally. She decided afterward she would tell her husband,and maybe the two could come together once more.

But her chance seemed to come sooner as Lelouch,or Emperor Lelouch met up with his wife in their chambers. His face held a pained expression and she wanted to do everything she could to make it go away. She gently placed her hand on his warm cheek,but he shrugged away her hand. "I need to speak to you." He breathed as Lucia stood in place her breathe caught in her chest. "I need to talk to you too." She said as Lelouch shook his head. "Let me go first." He breathed,his words made Lycia nervous and she didn't know why. But something terrible was about to happen.

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