Turn 028

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Lelouch stared up towards Lucia comepletely frozen in page at her words. Her words hit him hard like a pile of bricks while shaking his head at her words. Lelouch couldn't believe her words. Yes he knew at the moment that she was dangerous and could in fact impact the world negatively. But he didn't care. Lelouch stepped forward towards Lucia,who's body continued to give off the dangerous crimson glow. "T-This has to be a joke,right?" Lelouch asked I'm disbelief as he continued to walk towards Lucia only earning a crimson bolt of lightning to come raining down on him.

Lelouch screamed in pain as the bolts of electricity rushed through his body. He gritted his teeth in pain as he continued to walk towards his wife. Extending his hand for her beckoning her too him. "P-Please,Lucia....wake up." Lelouch whispered as he was forced roughly into a far away pillar. Gasping in pain as he back made contact with the stone pillar. He then slumped to his knees,gritting his teeth.

All the while he rose to his feet stubbornly, as he made contact with Lucia once again. For a moment Lelouch could have sworn he saw his dear Lucia before him. Her bright amber eyes staring at him in a pleading manner. Begging for Lelouch to end it. But end what exactly? Her life? No he couldn't do that,and he wouldn't. C2 quickly rushed to his side as she started towards the figure before them.

Lucia's body continued to give off the bright crimson yet dangerous glow. C2 continued to stare up towards Lucia who continued to give off the light. Along with the code she was currently initiating. C2 averted her gaze to Lelouch who struggled to his feet. "We have to find a way to trigger Lucia's consciousness, it may pausr the code. If not...." C2 began as crimson ligtnibg rained down in the space around them destroying many buildings and pillars around them.

"We will have to...kill Lucia." C2 breathed,the words feeling foreign to her lipe. She swallowed hard,her mouth now dry. She knew that her words would hurt Lelouch, but she also knew that she had no choice. Lelouch bit his bottom lip as he took a deep breathe. "That won't happen....I'll get through to her." Lelouch breathed as C2 hesitantly nodded,while watching him once again try to approach her.

With all his might,Lelouch reached forward gripping onto her hand. Lelouch then laced his fingers with Lucia's surprisingly cold ones. All the while staring into her bright amber eyes. "Please, Luciana come back." Lelouch whispered to Lucia,as he brought her into his arms. Holding her ever so gently into his arms. Lucia's eyes widened in shock as she struggled to grip onto Lelouch tightly.

The crimson glow continuing to radiate from her body. "J-just let me go." Lucia whispered,struggling with her words. Lelouch shook his head as his grip on her tightened. "Like I could ever leave you alone." Lelouch whispered to her as he gently ran his fingers through her hair. "If you disappear, then I'll disappear with you too." Lelouch declared, as Lucia smiled warmly towards him as she closed her eyes.

"Then...we will disappear together." Lucia whispered as the crimson light bathed the two. Blocking out anyone on the outside,even C2. C2 stepped back fearfully shielding her eyes from the light. The bright light spread across the area and spilled out into the world beyond.

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