Turn 002

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Today was another one of those days,the total time Lucia had been lost without Lelouch was 365 days 3 hours and 22 minutes. Carelessly Lucia kept tabs on small things like this. Hoping that at each passing minutes Lelouch would magically appear in her doorway. Apologizing. Apologizing for leaving her alone for so long,and so broken. But slowly those thoughts were begining to drift away. Poisoning her mind so terribly that on a daily basis she would imagine Lelouch's return.

Each image becoming more and more realistic to her. To the extent that she would cry out his name in the air. Waiting for an answer but deep down knowing that answer would not come. It was another one of those days but unlike before this time he answered The image of Lelouch smiked weakly to her as he extended his hand for hers before speaking. "I had no idea you were so fragile,Princess." He spoke as Lucia's trembling hands gripped onto his.

His newly found strength surprised Lucia, she never knew Lelouch to be so strong. And she never knew him for calling her Princess. It was always always her name or her nickname when they were children. Lucy. Or when he was angry it was her full name which she loathes greatly,but she allowed him to call her. Luciana Sai Fante. Lucia stared up towards the image of Lelouch as the facade of her lover rippled and faded away revealing the image of Life Xingke.

Immediately Lucia backed away from Xingke. Her back pressed against a cold wall behind her. How could she be so blind? So weak? She felt her reality had crumbled and there was no barrier keeping our her delusions. Xingke stepped towards the distraught Princess. Her long flowing silver hair damp across her forehead from sweat. No doubt a nightmare of someone she had cared for. Her now alert amber eyes darted back and fourth looking for a way out. A way to escape something she knew she could not. Her own mind.

"Forgive me Princess, the Empress Tianzi asked of me to check on you. When I heard no response I barged in. Forgive me." Xingke spoke,now kneeling down before her. As if begging for her forgiveness. Lucia's rapidly beating heart calmed down abit, the assertiveness in his voice which masked his compassion for the distraught woman caught Lucia's eye. He could calm her down,bring her back from her long living delusions. This man was something else,and perhaps something she needed.

Lucia swallowed the access spit in her mouth as she stood up straight before the man. Regaining whatever self control and respect remained in her. "As you can see,I am fine." She breathed as Xingke rose his head to her carefully picking his words. "Forgive me,but I think not. You called me Lelouch, Princess." He informed her as Lucia's gaze dropped to the ground. She was ashamed that she was so weak. So weak and praying for her delusions to be true. So badly that she allowed her mind to trick her. An unforgivable act,unworthy of her. Unworthy of Zero's woman.

She took a deep breathe regaining abit of her composure. "Was he a past lover, Princess?" Xingke probed and angrily Lucia snapped at the man before her,silencing him with her rage. "ENOUGH!! I won't hear anymore!" Lucia screamed,tears cascading down her cheeks. Xingke stared towards the woman,knowing he had overstepped his boundaries. Once again apologizing, this time for his meddling. Lucia gripped onto her chest,feeling as if another part of her heart had begun to break. My was she a pathetic sight. A sight that Lelouch should never see.

"Leave." Lucia breathed as Xingke nodded before he rose to his feet. Soon stopping at her doorway. Once again speaking out of term. "If this man left you,maybe he was the one unworthy of your love." Before leaving the now broken Lucia. She gripped obtk her head tightly fighting the dangerous thoughts that whirled around in her mind. Tears continued to roll down Lucia's cheeks as she fought back the desire to scream. She knew it more than anyone. She was broken. But what she didn't know was how long she would last.

Moments later C2 stood in Lucia's doorway, confusion written across her face. But it mattered not. What mattered was the constant banter of Lucia,who now sat in a corner of her room. Her eyes glued to the ceiling above as her mouth spewed words that were truly terrifying. C2 quickly made her way to her friend, hoping by touch she could snap Lucia out of her deranged banter. But it did little good,as soon as C2 made contact with Lucia. Her amber eyes became enraged,filled to the rim with rage.

"This is all your fault." Lucia breathed,venom dripping from every syllable. Taken back C2 scooted away from her friend knowing very well that she truly wasnt all there. Before she could even blink Lucia had tackled C2 to the ground binding her to the ground as her tears hit C2's face. "Why? Why?! Why'd you make me leave him?!" She cried as C2 stared up towards the sorrow filled Lucia. C2 knew that she was barely holding on,and she didn't have much time left before Lucia was no more.

"He asked me to save you,I had to Lucia you know this." C2 answered as Lucia angrily slapped C2 across the face surprising C2 as she touched her now reddened cheek. "LIES!!" Lucia screamed as C2 sighed before staring Lucia dead in the eye."I could never lie to you Lucia. And now I will fulfill my promise to you."C2 stated as Lucia stared down towards her friend."W-what do you mean?"She asked as C2 smiled faintly. "By tomorrow's end,I will bring Lelouch back to you." C2 stated as at the mere mention of him Lucia became overcome with emotion.

She released C2,common sense returning as she apologized to her friend. No her sister for what she had done. C2 rose from her current position,gently pulling Lucia into a comforting hug. As tears continued to stain Lucia's pale cheeks."I know. Its alright now. "C2 whispered to her soothingly. Tomorrow her plan would be placed into action. C2 knew that Lucia could not hold out much longer. She needed Lelouch, and she would have him. She swore it.

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