Turn 023

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Lucia was gently carried to Zero's private quarters. With Zero close beside her as her limp body was gently layed down on the bed. Her once beautiful peach skin was now deathly pale,and it greatly concerned Zero. He took a seat beside her,taking off his mask while gripping onto her hand tightly.Begging her to come back to him once more.

Desperately he called out to his wife but to no avail as she continued to sleep. Kallen stood in front of the door quietly not really sure what to do until she was ordered to do so. "Get me C2." Lelouch whispered,his voice barely audible. Kallen hesitantly nodded before quickly leaving the room in search for the immortal witch.

Lelouch only hoped she would know what was wrong with Lucia. After a few moments C2 was seen bounding into the room,her eyes wide in shock at Lucia's current state. "So its true,she really is a special witch."C2 said as she made her way to Lelouch's side,placing a gentle hand on Lucia's forehead. Her head was shivering cold,almost as if she was dead. Yet she breathed air,so C2 was for certain Lucia had not passed on from the shock.

" You and V2 said the same thing. What the hell are you talking about? And what is this 'Code Euripe?' "Lelouch questioned his hand firmly gripping onto Lucia's cold hand. " I can't tell you much. I'm not really so sure about the details myself. All I know is that Europe was the first witch I'm existence. She was very powerful and is the mother to all us witches. If Lucia has her power then she is a huge target for Charles."C2 explained vaguely, in truth that was all she knew. But she did know how she could get more information. The only thing was that it would be a bit tricky obtaining the information.

"I won't let him have her." Lelouch declared as he gripped onto Lucia's hand tightly. C2 nodded towards Lelouch knowing good and well that he meant every word that left his mouth. She then leaned over the sleeping Lucia pressing her warm for head against Lucia's sweat covered one. Immediately on contact the geass symbol formed on both their heads. Giving off a bright crimson light,almost blinding both Lelouch and C2. C2 then closed her eyes as she quietly prayed to their mother. The Mother of All Witches to awaken her fellow child. 'Please awaken your child.'She prayed as the crimson light intensified around the two women,as it slowly began to dissipate.

Immediately after the light dissipated light grunts sounded from the once unconscious Lucia. She continued to groan before opening her bright amber eyes, blinking a few times as she struggled to focus on the things around her. "W-What? What happened?" Lucia asked in confusion as she sat up a bit in the bed holding her slightly throbbing head. "You passed out after your meeting with V2,its alright now. He's gone." C2 reassured her dear friend who's eyes widened as her memories of the past events from earlier returned to her.

She remembered the chess match with Lelouch vs Schneizel and how nervous she was. She remembered accidently freezing time around her and the shocking appearance of V2. V2 the source of most of the turmoil she experienced in her life. He just wouldn't go away. "What happened after I passed out?" Lucia asked as Lelouch continued to hold onto her hand. Hoping to soothe her nerves before he spoke. "We rushed out as soon as you passed out. Everyone you accidently froze unfroze when you passed out." Lelouch informed her as she nodded in understandingly. Carefully Lucia rose to her feet,unable to stand up long on her own as she collasped into her husband's warm embrace.

"Don't push yourself I've got you." Lelouch informed her once more as she quietly nodded. But something just wasn't right. Lucia had a feeling that things were just about hit the fan. And that somehow she would be then source of it. And she hated it. Carefully Lelouch led her to the couch before ushering C2 to the hall where the two could speak privately. "Find out everything about Code Europe,and the reason why my father wants Lucia." Lelouch whispered to C2 who quietly nodded. Actually C2 already knew why Charles wanted Lucia,but she just couldn't say it. She was sworn to secretcy by another very important person to her. But she would find out more about the code. Especially if it had anything to do with Lucia.

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