Turn 004

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Lucia sat quietly in her room,her mind wandering through the vivid memories. Memories filled with Lelouch,his love,his ever so gentle touch. Everything about him was intoxicating like her own personal drug that she couldn't quit. She sighed quietly as the memories continued to swirl around hr head. Taunting her to no end. Knowing very well that she would never see his handsome face again. It was tragic.Even though her mind was telling her that she would never see Lelouch again,her heart held onto the small of hope she had.

Deep down she knew she would always hope,always wish for Lelouch's return. But to Lucia if he was still alive,if he still even loved her. Then he would have found some way to communicate with her. Someway to alert her,to tell her he was alright. Thay his love remained,that he would be with her soon. But there was nothing. Lucia sighed to herself quietly placing her hands together before uttering a single prayer to anyone. Any God who would answer her.

It was a simple prayer,a simple wish that she hoped maybe answered. "Please, just let me see him. One last time." Her voice quivered at her last sentence. One last time,even if he was at the brink of death she wanted to be there with him. Because without Lelouch,Lucia was never whole again. A large chunk of her heart,her soul was forever missing the further they were apart. And she missed it terribly. She knew if he could see her now he would be disappointed.

Disappointed to know that the woman he called his"Equal in every way" had fallen so low. To a lowly woman,a weak woman,unable to do anything without her man. Even Lucia was ashamed to admit it. Still lost in her thoughts Lucia heard a large commotion outside in the courtyard. This place was getting quite loud these days and all she really wanted was peace and quiet.

Annoyed Lucia played head first onto her pillow hoping to muffle out the many voices of people outside. But to no avail. She also heard the loud noise of Knightmare Frames landing in the courtyard. Along with at least 50 voices cheering excidedly. Growing tired,and abit curious Lucia rose to her feet,allowing her long flowing crimson and black Chinese dress to drape to the ground. She followed the voices to the Conference Room where C2 sat.

C2 sat in quite a relaxed manner,with a smile on her lips. And beside her was Kallen who also smiled. What exactly were they so happy about? Lucia then recalled the day that she told Kallen who Zero truly was and how shocked Kallen appeared to be. Though even knowing that Lelouch was Zero she never faltered her devotion to the Black Knights. Not even for a moment. She did although say she would only follow orders from Zero,not Lelouch. It was a tad weird but Lucia accepted it.

But now here she was and C2 both smiling towards Lucia as if they knew something she did not. "What was all the commotion about outside?" Lucia asked as Kallen immediately answered "We were all celebrating." She answered as Lucia stated utterly confused. Celebrating? Celebrating what? "Celebrating what?" Lucia asked as C2 smirked as behind Lucia was a miracle. The voice of the man she had yearned for,loved,and above all appeared.

His voice as smooth as velvet as it tickled her neck as he answered."My return." The voice,so firm yet gentle. Everything about him made her heart pound loudly in her chest. Immediately tears began to roll down her cheeks,as she held back a sob. It had appeared her prayer had finally been answered as she slowly turned to meet the warm lavender eyes of the man she loved. He was still the fairly tall man she remembered,his short raven black hair,and expressive lavender eyes. Revealing the hurt he too seemed to feel for their separation.

Lucia struggled for words,her mouth now dry. As she struggled to swallow to remainder of spit she had. C2 smiled as she rose to her feet tugging Kallen along with her. "We'll leave you two alone."She informed them as the two quietly left the room. Only leaving both Lucia and Lelouch who stared at her with pain filled eyes that seemed to bore into hers. Lucia opened her mouth to speak but was quickly brought into a warm embrace.

She closed her eyes allowing her tears the flow,all the while quietly taking in his familer scent of light musk and lavander. Lelouch gripped onto her slim form tightly,while running his fingers through her long silver hair." I've missed you."He whispered into her ear gently. She knew that he meant to console her,to be gentle and caring to her. But now her tears could not be stopped. They now blurred her vision as Lucia bit her bottom lip holding back a loud sob as she gripped onto her lover tightly. Not daring to let go. Not now,and not ever.

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