Turn 025

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It had been days since C2 had left Lelouch in search for more information on Code Euripe. And deciding to make this as direct and easy as possible she decided to go to the source. V2. V2 was shocked to learn that the old figure head of "The Order"wanted to meet with him willingly. The two decided to meet in a mutual place " The Shinjuku ghetto". C2 awaited V2,leaning against a rundown building, which tipped over to the right almost so far it appeared it would fall over completely. C2 remained expressionless as she watched the childish V2 enter the vicinity.

A playful smirk appeared on his face as he spotted the late figurehead of "The Order." "Im surprised you showed up." V2 commented with a playful grin as C2 sighed. "I only came for information, not to return to " The Order." C2 stated coldly as V2 chuckled at her answer. "Like I'd ever ask you to come back!" He snorted as C2 sighed slowly beginning to lose her patience with V2.

"I'm losing my patience with you." C2 stated as immediately V2 ceased his laughter before quickly replying "You always did prefer getting straight to the point." He commented as C2 sighed as she leaned against the wall. "Now tell me,what do you know about " Code Euripe." C2 demanded wanting to get whatever information V2 held as quickly as possible. "Oh,so you are curious about it. Y'know if you were on our side you'd know these important details." V2 commented with a smirk as C2 glared.

"I stopped working with you because what your doing is wrong. You can't force a world of your ideals on others." C2 stated as V2 glared towards the lime green haired girl. "OUR ideals are for the entire world! You gas to see that!" V2 exclaimed as C2 averted her gaze to the ground. "Yes that's true, I did see it as the worlds only solution. But...that was before you murdered Marianne." She stated as V2 snorted at the familiar name. Marianne.

The one person that was his rival for his brother Charles's affection. Even though Marianne shared their beliefs for a better world. But still she was murdered by the jealous V2. Who couldn't stand to share Charles with anyone especially a woman. "Marianne....she was always in the way. Her in her annoying children. I solved a problem. She was a nuisance." V2 stated as C2 glared "She was my friend." "Yes,a friendly little nuisance." V2 spat.

C2 sighed becoming very tired of V2's words. "Let's get to the point. Tell me about the Code." She demanded once more as V2 growled lowly in annoyance. "Fine,you want to know? Then I'll tell you. The Code Euripe,is a combination of all the witches in the world Codes. These Codes combined make the most powerful source of energy. The only source we need to activate the Thought Elevator." V2 explained as C2 crossed her arms over her chest.

"And if you extract her code what will happen to is carrier?" C2 questioned as V2 smirked"You already know,its carrier will die. And fade away into C's world. It will be as if they never exsisted." C2 averted her gaze to the ground she was already loathing the answer that would spill from his lips and she defiantly hated it now. "That won't happen." C2 breathed as V2 eyed her curiously. "It won't happen, we will protect her from you." C2 declared as V2 smirked.

"A futile effort I'm afraid,we've already put our chess pieces in play. The Code will be ours in a natter of days now." V2 answered with a smirk as C2's eyes widened. That fast? One day of knowing and Charles and V2 were already on the move? C2 knew that Lucia would not be safe for long. And there was no telling what they had planned. "What have you done?" C2 questioned as V2 smirked.

"Let's just say Lucia is going to have a very unpleasant blast from the past." V2 commented as the same tall figure of the man before appeared. He stood quietly his face continued to be hidden  in the shadows of the building. C2's eyes widened at the figure. "N-No it cant be-!" She exclaimed as V2 smirked.

"Its possible,and it is happening. Prepare yourself C2,for the fight of your life." V2 stated as the shadow figure charged towards C2 at top speed. She struggled to dodge his assualt before being back handed roughly and thrown into a wall. C2 grunted in pain before slumping to the ground. Only to see the figure looming over her,C2 stared up towards the figure. "Please don't do this Ja-" C2 began before being roughly pulled from the ground by her hair.

She yelped in pain as V2 laughed in satisfaction. "Deal with her." V2 ordered as the figure nodded before pulling out a gun and brutally shooting C2 multiple times in the head. Immediately her screams ceased as her body hung weakly in the figure's grip. Blood trickled down C2's head and onto the ground before her body was dropped onto the cold ground.

"Now." V2 began as he stepped over C2's limo body. "Retrieve that Code." He ordered as the figure nodded before walking off into the distance, his hands covered in nothing but blood.

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