Turn 007

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Lucia sighed in relief as the broadcast soon ended to her delight. She then made her way back to the conference room where Ohgo,Kallen,C2,Dietard,and Sayoko sat. The group conversed before both Lucia and Zero walked into the room side by side. Zero wheeled the chair out for Lucia,she smiled as she took a seat at the table.

Zero smirked as he took a seat beside her as he peered around the table. "Alright,now to business." Zero began as he held onto Lucia's hand in front of others. Not caring if anyone saw,or believed that it was a sign of weakness. To him it didn't matter. Lucia smiled warmly, gently squeezing his hand back. Zero smiled under his mask before Deitard began his report.

"Its been a year since the failed rebellion on Britannia,Zero. And in that year the Royals proclaimed you dead-" The Britannian began with a sign as Zero's old maid Sayoko rose to her feet. Bowing respectfully before speaking. "However the legacy of Zero continues to live in the hearts of the people. They have been waiting for their savior Zero. More than ever My Lord." She concluded before taking a seat.

"In other words,there's still work to be done. Many of our members including Rakshata, Ohgi and Todoh of the Holy Sword. Members that the Black Knights are at a horrible disadvantage without." C2 stated as Zero nodded towards each of them before replying."I am aware that Zero still lives in the hearts of the people. Even so as C2 stated without Ohgi and the others we will be at a horrible disadvantage against Britannia. And so,tomorrow we will save our commands from the shackles that bind them."Zero declared as Kallen,Dietard,and Sayoko cheered happily.

Kallen was relieved to know that even after all this time Zero still cared for the Black Knights and would do anything in his power to save Ohgi and the others. It was just the way he was. She smiled as the meeting was ajurned,as one after one the other left the room. Onlg leaving Lucia and Zero in the Conference room. The door soon closing them inside,shielding them from outside interruptions.

"What of the Chinese Federation? I know we are currently taking shelter here but for how long? We need to insure that they will not betray us." Lucia commented as she leaned against the table as she stood,a calm expression on her face. Zero smirked as he now stood in front of her,struggling to keep his hands to himself as he spoke. "Yes your right,though the Chinese Federation has remained a neutral power. We need them on our side." Zero stated as he wrapped his arms around Lucia's waist causing her to smile.

"Well in that case I may have an angle to getting the Chinese Federation on our side. His name is Li Xingke,he's the Commander of the Royal Guard over the Empress. I've been told by C2 and Kallen that he has taken a liking to me while you were away. It would take no time at all to persuade him." Lucia informed him as Zero's grip on her tightened. "No." He breathed lowly,confusing Lucia quite abit.

"I refuse to allow any man to fall for you. Even if it is for a plan,I won't allow it. You are My woman." Zero declared lowly as Lucia smiled towards him as she carefully wrapped her arms around Zero's neck. "Your jealous, my oh my who would have thought. I could make Zero himself a jelouse man." She commented as Lelouch took off his mask tossing it to the side before cupping Lucia's face with his hands gently.

"I'll think of a new plan,i don't want you flirting with another man,I don't think I could take it." Lelouch told her sincerely as Lucia nodded as she stared into those deep violet orbs of his falling deeper and deeper in love with him if possible."Regardless,The Chinese Federation will be under our control very soon. So don't worry yourself."Lelouch informed her as Lucia nodded towards him as Lelouch gently pressed his lips against Lucia's warm ones.

Automatically feeling as if a magnet was pushing the two to another as Lucia wrapped one leg  around Lelouch's waist. Pulling him closer to her as the two continued their fiery kiss. Their tongues wrestling for dominance once more,and Lelouch's hands slowly caressing Lucia's sensitive skin. Leaving a trail of fire after his touch. The both of them knew that as long as they had this moment,they had eachother then everything else would work out.

And as the two hesitantly pulled away from each other once again Lelouch promised to give Lucia everything she could ever ask for in this world. And it would happen soon. Sooner than either of them expected.

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