Turn 019

607 18 4

Dear Readers,

  These next few chapter will be filled with mature content for 18 year olds and older,you have been warned. Enjoy!


After the newly married couple shared a kiss,the two were soon interrupted by a bell hop. Who began to haul their bags into their room. Apologizing for the interruption,Lelouch waved him off replying it was nothing. As the young man quickly let hinself out of their suite. Lucia smiled shyly,her lips still tingling from Lelouch's touch. Lelouch sighed abit annoyed by the interruption but it soon passed as he spotted Lucia beginning to kick off her shoes into a large closet. She stretched lightly before plopping herself down on the couch. Her body now stretched across the white sofa.

Lucia smiled towards Lelouch beckoning him to her,which he happily obliged. He soon took a seat beside Lucia,as she rested her head on his chest. The two just enjoying the silence with each other. After awhile Lelouch suggested that Lucia she take a chance to enjoy a warm bath. She admitted that she was dying for a bath,and she wanted a chance to relax.

Lelouch romantically scooped Lucia up from the bed in his arms,before effortlessly carrying her to the large marble bathroom. Its funny how Lucia never really realized how masculine and strong Lelouch had become. She smiled as her feet touched the shockingly cold marble floor. Lelouch gave her a tender kiss before leaving the bathroom. It was dimly lit,with only a few crimson candles burning their alluring scent that swept across the room.

Lucia sighed happily as she turned the knob for the warm water,as it came rushing like a gyser into the tub. Soon quickly filling it along with the bubbles Lucia had added into the water. Carefully she pulled her long silver hair up into a messy bun,hoping it would not get wet in the water. She soon began to strip,her peach colored dress falling to her feet. While walking pass the door Lelouch spotted Lucia's lovely form in the mirror.

It was a dim lit room but it was bright enough for him to gaze upon her lovely form. Her skin was the softness of milky hue,her body had curves in all the right places. She was beautiful,beautiful as she always had been. The only thing this marred her lovely skin were the many bruises she had received from her attended. Schneizel.

But even so even with her many brusies she was still a sight be behold. Lelouch watched as Lucia slipped into the warm water of the tub. Sighing in relief as she was submerged into water. He smiled lightly to himself,before closing the door on his wife. Lelouch had things he wanted to prepare while she was occupied. Quietly Lelouch dialed the front desk,ordering their finest wine and catering to their suite.

The woman on the desk quickly answered assuring him that what he ordered would be their momentarily. Lelouch nodded thanking the woman before beginning to set up a few candles around the room,soon lighting them. Along with a trail of rose petals leading from the bathroom to the bed. Moments later after finishing his arrangements a knock sounded on the door,hurriedly Lelouch went to the door. Hoping it hadn't alerted Lucia yet, to see a man 2 men with large carts.

Quietly Lelouch ushered the two men inside,pushing their carts to the center of the room. The men worked fast,revealing the meat cooked to perfection,along with many different types of cheese,fruits and bread. The other cart held deserts such as chocolate cakes,pies along with a small ice bucket with the hotels finest wine submerged in the ice.

The men quietly exited the suite, already Lelouch could hear Lucia. She seemed to have made her way out of the tub. Soon Lucia was in view with an all white towel wrapped around her slim form. Small droplets of water cascaded down her neck down to her cleavage. Her eyes landed on Lelouch who struggled with his words. Lucia giggled lightly before spotting the rose petals at her feet along with the carts of food.

"W-what is all this?" Lucia asked in shock as Lelouch now regaining his composure answered her."Its our dinner,i wanted you to have everything you could ever desire."He replied honestly as Lucia couldn't help but to make her way to Lelouch. She gently reached up caressing his right cheek before kissing it tenderly."Your so sweet,you know that?"She whispered to him causing Lelouch to turn bright red at her words.

Before Lucia could even blink both she and Lelouch were on the king sized bed. Drinking fine wine from champagne glasses,it was heaven. And it also wasn't long before things began to get abit heated. Lucia was gently pinned to the bed by Lelouch who began to tenderly kiss her lips. She released a light moan which echoed in his throat. The two acted as if they hadn't seen each other in months. The feverish way Lelouch kissed her neck,arms and even her thighs.

She gasped as she soon felt the grip on her towel loosening. Hesitantly Lucia allowed it as the warm cloth covering her body was thrown onto the floor. Lucia closed her eyes,she knew Lelouch had seen the many bruises on her body before but it didn't mean she was proud of them. Slowly she covered them with her arms to the best of her ability,feeling Lelouch's gaze linger on them."Don't look at me."She choked out, tears now threatening to spill. Lelouch gently caressed Lucia's cheek beckoning her to look at him.

Lucia shook her head no,she didn't want to look at him. She didn't want to see what she pictured was a pained expression on his face. She couldn't bear it. "Luciana." Lelouch stated,calling Lucia by her full name. Lucia knee if he dared call her by her full name he was serious. She bid her eyes to open to see the warm expressive eyes of Lelouch who ever so gently planted kisses on all of her bruises. "You'd beautiful Lucia,you don't need to hide it." He whispered to her.

Immediately tears of happiness escaped Lucia's eye but was quickly wiped away as she felt Lelouch begin to take off his pants and nearing her entrance. "I'll be gentle with you,I swear to you." He told her,Lucia quietly nodding before letting out a shallow breathe as she felt abit of pressure between her legs. She knew it would subside but at the moment it was bearable. Lelouch slowly pushed his full length into Lucia,her body immediately tensing up st the sudden intrusion. She gasped in pain as Lelouch quickly stopped asking if she was alright to continue.

Lucia's breathing was shallow as she reached up with her hand wrapping them around Lelouch's neck. "Keep going,please....I-I want.." Lucia began as she felt Lelouch slowly begin to pump inside her. He promised he would be gentle with her and he was true to his word. Lelouch never dared to go any harder or any faster than Lucia allowed. And she was grateful,it allowed her to get use to him and begin to enjoy it.

Finally after allowing Lelouch to move abit more,Lucia finished her sentence from before. "I want you Lelouch,I-I want....I want a child!" Lucia cried in sheer ectasy as Lelouch smiled at her words. Doing what she desired,she knew he would do anything to make her happy and her biggest wish was to have a child. Not a child to replace her darling Kai,no one ever could. But she did want a child with Lelouch,one she could cherish and love just as much.

Lucia gasped as she arched her back feeling something very warm shoot inside her. Her body trembled,along with Lelouch who soon slumped on the bed beside her. Shyly she scooted close to him,nuzzling her face into his chest as she fell asleep soundly. She was happy,and at the moment she was complete.

Dear Readers,

   Okay guys like I said I'm taking abit of a break from this story. I want to give you guys quality chapters not crap,so wait just a little bit. But until then I hope you enjoyed it! And I will start working on my Sailor Moon Story.

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