[Chapter 2] - Escaped

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[Y/n's P.O.V]

[A month later]

Cough Cough 

I coughed out blood as the man kicked me.

"Please-....s-stop...it hurts..." I said as I get kicked again

"A please won't do shit. Besides, you're used to this." He said landing the last kick.

Another month has gone by. Everything was still the same. Getting tortured everyday, being lonely and hopeless. It had been 10 days since I ate. Since I ate every 10 days, I was going to be able to eat. Although it doesn't seem like much, I got unchained to eat.

[An hour later]

It was around the time my food would come but there was nothing.

I will probably eat next week or something.

A sudden heavy creak echoed in the room I stayed in. There were unfamiliar footsteps I heard. It sounded like they wore shoes with a slight heel. When they got closer, it turned out to be a maid and a bodyguard. I felt a bit relieved but still confused.

What's a maid doing here?

"It's time for you to get cleaned up my lady." The maid said as she signaled the bodyguard to unlock my cuffs.

"What?" I said with a weak voice, wondering if they heard me.

"The boss has ordered us to unlock your cuffs and help you get cleaned up." The woman said and began to wipe some the blood off my face.

My cuffs fell off my wrists and ankles. The bodyguard threw me over his shoulder. All three of us went up the stairs. I was taken back a bit. Everything was so tidy up.

It was my first time up there. As we went up another staircase, I observed the place. The place above from where I was seemed like a laboratory. There were brewing stands and machines.

After going up the staircase, we went down a long and dark corridor. At the end of the corridor, the maid opened a door. Once the door opened, my eyes were blinded by the room. The place was really elegant and had a gold & white theme. Coming from a dimly lit place to a bright place really blinded me for a few seconds.

Without pausing, we kept going forward. It was until we reached a door (with a cherry blossom branch on it) that we stopped. I got put down and I fell to the floor. Two other maids came out from the room I was in front of. Three maids helped me go into what I assumed was a bathroom. This bathroom was big.

Growing up as a wealthy child, our mansion was pretty huge. The bathroom was almost half the size of my old room. It was surprising to see such a huge bathroom with almost nothing inside it.

One maid locked the door. I panicked a little. In a flash, I felt exposed for some reason. Looking down at my body, I went from clothed to bare. My face, neck and ears had a hot burning sensation. There wasn't anything I could do. If I made a rapid movement, it would hurt like hell.

"Don't worry young miss, we are just assigned to take care of you." One of the maid said, trying to calm me down.

The two maids that supported each of my arms made me turn around. There was a bubble bath already prepared. They helped me get into the bath. When my body made contact with the warm water, I felt a bit relaxed. They washed my hair thoroughly. Before washing my body, I asked them if I could get a sugar scrub and a razor. After a few moments they handed me the two items.

I thanked them. Embarrassing as it was, they had to shave my body. After shaving, they washed my body too. They dried me up and put a robe on me. I noticed that there was a wheeling chair. The maids sat me there.

UNFINISHED「𝒀𝒐𝒌𝒐𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔」|| 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now