Chapter 25

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[Y/n's P.O.V.]

I shifted my body a bit. My eyes shot open and I sat up. It was 10 am. Not believing my clock, I turned on my phone. The same thing, 10 am. As I sat there stressing about how late I was, I felt agonizing pain. I rubbed the side of my head. The headache I was experiencing was too much for me to handle.

"Fuck." I said with a scratchy voice. My throat began to burn and become dry.

Just by saying a word made me not want to talk for the rest of the day. If I talked, it would hurt like hell. I didn't know what to do about my throat or headache. Feeling horrible, I got up and got ready. My outfit consisted of an oversized black sweater, blue short overalls, long black socks that went over my knees and my black shoes.


After getting ready, I took some pain relievers and drank water. Although it didn't do much, my headache soothed a bit. Being late wasn't really my problem but my throat and headache were such a pain.

While walking towards the Port Mafia's buildings, I thought about how I was going to communicate. My second option was the one I chose. Not saying a word was my choice. Sure I seemed disrespectful but I would talk to them the next day.

"Good morning Y/n-san." The blonde woman with a messy bun said as I walked by her.

I just smiled and nodded. A small gesture that seemed a bit respectful. Seeing people I knew was going to be the death of me. If I saw Chuuya, I would just ignore him. Knowing him, he wouldn't bother to talk to me. That didn't worry me in the slightest.

The door to my office had the same color. Seemed like nothing had changed, so I just opened the door unprepared. The bright sun that illuminates my room blinded me. Light from the room even lit up the hallway since the door was wide open. I shut it quickly and looked around my room.

My office was brand new. There were no dark colors or any of that sort. The office had the minimalistic style I wanted. White walls, a light brown wooden floor with a lamp on my desk. My chair was clear with a fur chair cover. Two large file cabinets stood against the wall. I had a white desk with a file rack on my desk. Behind my desk was a large plant. There were sheer curtains and a fur rug under my desk. The room had a comforting feeling to it that I almost forgot I was at work.

Snapping back to reality, I sat down. Took out my laptop and other files, placing them on my desk. It was time to start my day. Even though I was late, nothing really happened. I mean my job wasn't a normal one in which you follow rules. The jobs I did went beyond the rules.

Another thing was that my schedule changed. Ever since my change of position, I got a new schedule. It wasn't like before, Monday to Friday. Nope. Some days I would work and other days I wouldn't. Most of my jobs would take place at night instead of day. Honesty, it seemed better doing my jobs at night instead of day.

The job I was assigned for the day was to investigate a recent disappearance in cargo. Lately, some of the goods we received would go missing. Obviously the cargo got stolen. The whereabouts and who stole the cargo was still unknown. To make the case harder was that there was no mention about it on the black market. No suspicious goods that suddenly appeared. It only meant that it was stolen and sold on the streets.

All I had to do was to go around junkies, eavesdrop on them to get my information. It seemed simple but a lot of walking around. Instead of wasting time at my desk, I started to read the information I was provided. There wasn't a clue where it might be. My only choice was to start on getting information on the streets.

I got up and took my necessary stuff. My phone, keys and weapons. Since that my position got changed, I was provided with guns and knives. Before it wasn't really necessary because all I did was to infiltrate to steal. Then I moved up and it became necessary.

UNFINISHED「𝒀𝒐𝒌𝒐𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔」|| 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now