Chapter 12

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+Y/N's P.O.V. +

"Chūyaa, give me back my phone." I whined at Chūya, He continued to walk up the building more. I jumped as high as I could but I couldn't reach him.

"Imagine not being able to walk on a wall. Could never be me.." Chūya teased me.

We were casually walking back from a job he took me on and this happened. While walking back, I took out my phone and started to read some manga. He snatched my phone from my hand and started to walk up the building's outside wall.

"I want my phone back. Give ittttt." I reached my hand up, but it was no use.

"Hmmm? Maybe later. We have to go back to work now." He said as he shoved my phone in his pocket. He jumped down to where I was.

"Could I get my phone back pleaseeeee." I whined like a child, he ignored me and kept walking. I didn't give up though, I thought of tackling him when he lowered his guard. I think that is impossible though.

We walked through the door of the port mafia, I acted even more extra. I wanted to embarrass him in front of his subordinates. He'd be red like a tomato and give up my phone. I slipped my arm around his and tugged on it. He stopped to look back at me.

"Just because your short doesn't mean your privileged. So give me my phone back. Do it now since I'm being nice." I playfully say as some of the employees there turn their head. He turned around fast when I called him short.

"I'm, not, short. If everything, I'm taller than you. Your short. Not me." He irritatedly said.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted the man known as Kajii Motojio. He was walking where me and Chūya was standing at.

"You're still shorter than me. Whether you like it or not." I teased him.

"Would you like Kajii to blow up her? I'd use her as my test subject. Once she's blown up to pieces she wouldn't be able to bother you and you'll never get annoyed again. " Kajii offered Chūya.

"No Kajii, I'll deal with her myself. Besides, you'll blow up the building." Chūya told Kajii, but Kajii was persistent.

"She's bothering you. Blowing her up would benefit Kajii and you. Blowing her up can make her shut up and-" He was about to rambled on and on, but Chūya cut him off.

"No Kajii, your not blowing anything up. " He firmly said.

"But-" He was about to ramble again.

"I think Kajii should blow me up and make a mess. Besides Chūya will probably clean it up." I said to Kajii.

"Okay then, Kajii will now like to run a test." He said as he reached for his pockets.

"AGHHHH. Here your damn phone." Chūya said with annoyance. He handed me my phone and walked away.

"Do you still want me to blow her up?" Kajii asked again.

"UGH. Shut up and leave." He annoyingly said.

I started to laugh because I made Chūya mad. He left annoyed at Kajii and I. It was so adorable to see him mad. I left Kajii there and went to my office.

When I got there I got a phone call by Chūya.

(Y/N, Chūya)


"Y/N, you have a short job for today. It's one with a woman named Higuchi. She's also one of my subordinates. She said that she'll be outside. She'll explain to you what the job is. She asked me to ask someone to help her with something. I don't know what it is. She'll just tell you."

UNFINISHED「𝒀𝒐𝒌𝒐𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔」|| 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now