[Chapter 6] - Elise

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[Y/n's P.O.V.]

I arrived at the apartment. Although I wanted a normal apartment, I got an expensive one. That meant that rent would be higher but it was whatever at that point.

I went shopping for things I needed ; clothes, hygiene products, food and bedding. I also bought a temporary phone for the week. I didn't have enough for a phone I wanted but the one I had was bearable. My desired phone would be something I would buy myself.

I went into my new apartment. Thankfully there were drawers and a bed there. Then I started to organize my stuff. Once I finished I fell asleep again. I woke up to the loud sound of my annoying alarm. I turned it off then I went to start my day off. 

The clothes I wore was......(one of these or something else.)

Then the finishing touch was the gloves

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Then the finishing touch was the gloves. My gloves were pretty simple. Plain white cotton gloves, strange but they had to have some meaning behind it. Although not a very meaningful one but something related to me.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 6:40. I had 'plenty' of time to eat and go to work. Wait, weren't I supposed to meet up with Chuuya? Shit, I'll be late.

I locked my door and left. I didn't had enough time to walk from the apartment to the building. I just used my ability and ran through everything to get there faster.

My ability is a useful in many ways. I was grateful for it. Even though it was artificial, it was useful to me a lot.

Thanks to my ability I got there around 7am. I didn't think he would be there at 7am sharp. I thought he could've overslept or something. I went to the main doors of the building and to my surprise the guards at the door let me inside. I didn't think they would know me since I just joined yesterday.

[Chuuya's P.O.V.]

It had been around 5 minutes since I'd waited for her. I recalled saying that I'd meet her here at around 7am not at 8. I didn't like being a babysitter type but she was my subordinate. No matter what, I cared for he well being and everything just like the rest of my subordinates.

After a while she finally arrived. She came in looking around the place until she laid her eyes on me. She flashed me the a fake smile. It was pretty awkward but she was going to warm up to me eventually.

"I didn't expect you here so early." She said as she walked towards me. Y/n looked like a mess. Her hair was messed up and she kept yawning. I couldn't judge her though, I had been late as well.

"I'm not early , I'm here on time. I said to meet me at 7 not at 8." I told her, expecting that she'd learn the criteria. Not a very difficult one to meet but it had to be said.

"It's only 7:08-"

"Next time arrive on time. Now let's get started on your training."


[Time skip to 10am]

[Y/n's P.O.V.]

"We're done for today, you can go now." Chuuya said as he walked towards the exit. He looked pretty exhausted. He must've been up all night doing work.

"Wait, do I just go home now?" I asked wondering what to do next. I thought to myself that I would get fired for being unprepared on the first day. But hey, the expectations weren't explained to me.

"You don't. I don't have any jobs for you today but ask if Boss does. If he doesn't have one now for you then walk around and just get used to the place. If he says he has a job but it's at night, I suggest that you go home and then come here once it's around the time for the job." 

"Oh okay then, I'll see you tomorrow at 7 here then."

"Yeah okay."

I left the room and started to walk towards the elevator. I went inside and forgot which buttons to use. When I first got there I followed a guy and I didn't remember which buttons he pressed. I press the button for the top floor, and not surprisingly his office was there. The same door stood in front of me. I then started to walk towards it . I passed by the intense security and then the main doors that lead to his office opened.

"Mori-san, it's me Y/n. I'm coming in." Once I step in I regreted it.

In his office there was a young short girl with pale skin, blue eyes and blond hair with bangs. She was wearing a red dress with a red bow. Mori and the girl was playing dress up. There were many clothes on the floor . Mori noticed my presence so then the room went dark and it returned normal. Once the lights were on I saw Mori sitting at his desk.

"You didn't see anything in this room, understand." Said the Mori. I had to admit, it was pretty creepy. I didn't knew the relationship between the two but it wasn't my bussiness.

"Yes, I didn't see anything. But I came up here to ask if there's any work for me." I ask, feeling a bit embarrassed. 

"For the time being, no. But I can give you some work, of course I'll pay you. Elise-chan here" He said looking over at the little girl. She got closer to me and gave me a wide grin. I was able to see her face clearly and she looked like a doll.

"-is bored , take her out shopping and buy stuff she takes any interest in. Take her to where ever she wants. I have lots of work today and I can't take her. Here is some money to take her out." He said as he gave me an envelope with lots of money. 

Man, this reminds me when I was little.

"Elise-chan go with Y/n-kun here, she'll take you to where ever you want." Mori said as Elise walked up to me and clung onto my arm. She was pretty adorable.

"Hurry up Y/n-chan, I want to go now." Elise demanded while leaving the room. I smiled as I saw her skip away.

"Excuse me." I said and followed Elise. I caught up to her. I decided to talk to her. It would've been impolite to just make her feel uncomfortable during the entire thing.

"Hey Elise-chan, do you want to go in the car or walking?" I asked the small child.

"Walking!" She cheered as she turned around to admire me. A very adorable child. I honestly thought she would be a brat.

We left the building and started to walk. Elise led the way for me. We went to malls, restaurants, small brand name shops, and lastly bakeries.

We went to this small bakery, it was small and cute. Using the money Mori gave me, I bought Elise whatever she asked for. I told her to find a table to sit and I'd be there with her stuff.

When I got her stuff, I took it to the table she sat at. I place the stuff on the table and took a seat. Elise started to dig in. I felt a bit nervous sitting down at the table with her. Since the bodyguards accompanying us were just standing next to her while I sat across her. 

"Y/n-chan~" She said while she stuffed a pink cakepop into her mouth.

"Don't you want some?" She asked me offering a cupcake she had.

"No thank you, I'm okay but thanks for offering." I said as I tried to be polite. 

I had to build a relationship with her in order to gain her and the boss' trust. Otherwise I would never move on.

After she finished eating her sweets we walked back to building. On our way back I checked the time. It was 4pm already. We left around at 10am and then it was 4pm.

We got back at to the building and I went upstairs to Mori's office to return Elise. He said I could go home for the day. I left and went home.


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