Chapter 21

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+Y/N's P.O.V.+

When I arrived at the Port Mafia, I headed to Kajii's laboratory. He was there making lemon bombs. The man saw me enter and went over to one of his cabinets.

"You forgot to stop by yesterday! I waited here all day. I could've done so many experiments but instead I waited for you." The tall mafioso said.

"I'm sorry, I was busy." I responded to him.

He handed me the file. I thanked him and left his lab. As I walked back to my office, I got nervous. Katsumi could end up as a spy.

After I got back, I quickly reviewed the file. The data indicated that his mother was Elizabeth Barrett Browning. On my laptop, I did a deep research about her.

It turned out that she is alive and the worst part is that she's from another organization. Her ability was one that was named, The cry of the children. It allowed her to create children that would follow her orders.

I ran to where Chuuya's office was. When I got there I barged in, which shocked him. He went up to me and asked what's wrong.

"Turns out I was right, Katsumi is a spy for Endo." I told him.


We both went to where the unconscious spy was. I couldn't believe that a spy was under my care. After everything that I did for him, it was a spy. I took out my knife from my pocket and held it up to the front of his neck. I tried to cut him but there was a bone blocking it so I slit the side of his neck. After doing so, he turned into dust.

+3rd P.O.V+

"Looks like she found out." The woman with long brown hair said to herself.

She couldn't sense Katsumi anymore which meant that he probably disappeared. Elizabeth laughed to herself. It was too late for y/n to realize the spy that was by her side.

"What should we do now Ms. Browning?" Asked her most loyal dog.

"Send in the troops. Arrange a meeting with Mr. L/N. We should tell him about how his daughter is misbehaving." Elizabeth ordered her loyal dog.

"Understood." Her subordinate bowed and left.

'No one messes with me and gets away with it. I will crush y/n and the Port Mafia.' The insane woman thought.


Later that day, Mr. L/N, Mr. Yoshiyuki and Ms. Browning had sat down to discuss the predicament. These two organizations haven't done any business in a while. To Mr. L/N it was weird to have a meeting so sudden.

It's been a while, hasn't it?" The cocky man, L/N said.

"Do you know anything from your rebellious daughter y/n?" Elizabeth had said trying to provoke the man that sat in front of her.

Yoshiyuki tried to stop the tension between the two. He changed the subject and went straight to the point.

"A while back I spotted y/n at one of our buildings. I thought she had gone there to look for me but I was wrong. She went there to steal some important information from us. When I saw her, she had an ability that allowed her to move through objects." Yoshiyuki informed his former friend.

"Under whose orders?" L/N tried to use his monotone voice since he was surprised. Getting informed about his normal daughter having an ability was shocking to him.

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