[Chapter 3] - peasant?

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[Y/n's P.O.V.]

I'm actually out of there. I'm free, I'm done being tortured. I can have a normal life. 

As I walk down the sidewalk. I kept getting stared at. Oh wait I'm wearing a fancy dress while walking down the sidewalk. Eh, I'll just ignore them. I guess I'll go with my father. I might be safer there. I looked at the road, hoping a taxi would pass by. When it did, I stopped it.

"Could you take me to Dire's main building, L/n-san is my father and I'll pay you once I get money from him." I told the taxi driver

"If he's your father tell him to pick you up. Pfft, you make me laugh" The driver rolled up the window and drove off.

I guess I'll just have to walk there.

[An hour later]

It was around 9pm at the time. I thought of resting in a alleyway to past time. I walk until I found a quiet alley way. It was quiet and somewhat cleaner than the others. So I decided I'll sleep there for the night.

[6 a.m.]

I woke up , and the first thing I smelled was gunpowder and metallic scent. It was frightening to smell that so early. Then I hear shouting. I just stayed put and listened to what was going on.

"Who the fuck you guys think you are, huh?!?!"I heard a female voice say in an aggrieved tone.

She chuckled, "If you think I give two fucks about who you are, then your wrong." She paused

"You'll end up dead like your friends over there." After that I heard multiple gunshots at once.

Curiosity got the best of me so I decided to take a peak. In front of my eyes lifeless bodies lay. My body got goosebumps. These people have families to feed, but their dying. It seems that they don't have any abilities. I have one, I can help them. No, I'll get into more problems if I interfere. But I'll be helping them. Fuck it, I'm helping them.

"Dead Before Death." I said as I went under the floor while using my ability.

I raised my hand to touch the surface and I found a gun. I took the gun and jumped out of the floor to shoot. I didn't land perfectly, so I ended up tripping on the dress and shooting the floor. It was the most embarrassing moment in my life. Everyone looked towards my way, but then continued on shooting,

"Ha, getting a dumbass to join. How dumb of you." Said the woman with the purple highlights in her hair. I assumed that it was her that was shouting earlier.

I then got up again and got close to her head, but her body guards kept shooting me but I took no effect. Then I gave her a direct blow to the head. I did the same for her body guards. Not long after the incident a man around his early 20's arrived. He has short hair with side bangs, which is black and white at the tips, he had all black. He had black shoes, pants and coat. He has a white shirt under with a layered white ruffled fabric at his neck.

"Who is this peasant?" Said the average slim man, as he approached the men who were once shooting.

"Sir, she helped us kill them." One of the men said.

"Are you that useless?" You asked a bystander to help you. Tch. Pathetic." And with that he started to walk away.

Maybe he's also in a mafia. I could join them and get revenge on them -{she is referring to her kidnapper's mafia} But what if his mafia is also like their's. I could try. I'm scared, nervous and just too shy to ask. Just get over it Y/n. I took a deep breath to calm down.

"Um...excuse me ?" I said as I try to talk to him.

"What" He said sounding annoyed.

"C-could you, um hire me ?" I asked, regretting it after I said it. I sounding dumb.

"No." He said as he continued walking. But I trailed behind him.

"Please, I'll be loyal and helpful." I say as I followed him.

"No." He said again as a black shadow with a red-colored electricity surrounding it, shot out of his back. Trying to kill me.

I quickly started to run. I ran away from him. He just continued to walk, thinking that I've stopped. I didn't, I kept following him. I activated my ability to be able to follow him. He eventually lead me to the building. The building said 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚒 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗. He entered the building. I saw guards standing outside the building main doors.          

I couldn't just walk up to them and say 'Oh hey I want to join so let me talk to the boss.' No they'll just try to kill me on the spot. I didn't know how to get in.

I was so dumb, I literally had an ability that goes through matter. It was so easy to get inside. I just needed to take a deep breath and prepare myself. Then I was ready to go in.

"Dead before Death." I say as I go underground.

I learned to do this. I figured that since I'm able to move through matter, going underground would be a trick I'd use. It turned out it work. I wasn't so dumb after all. As I move underground, I occasionally poke my head up to see if I was there. Once I peaked, I saw that I was inside the building. I thought of listening to people's conversations to hear where the boss's room is. I stayed in the walls to listen. Eventually I hear people talking.

"The boss said he wants to see you." Said a man.

I heard them walking away. I decided to follow the person who was not walking towards the exit. After a few staircases, I was led to a room. I decided to wait for the man to come out.

After a while the man came out of the room. I used my ability once again to get inside the room.

[Author's Note]

Sorry for the short chapter (*'ω`*)


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