Chapter 24

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[Y/n's P.O.V.]

It was an hour till midnight. I had been waiting at my house instead at my office. My heart raced as I started to get ready. It was going to be my first risky job. Although I had other 'risky' jobs, it wouldn't matter if I got caught. Since the Port Mafia ruled in Yokohama, there weren't many risks.

On the other hand, smuggling weapons to another city was a different story. If I got caught there, I would be on my own. I mean, with the ability I had escaping wouldn't be a problem at all. The only thing that bothered me was the argument I had earlier with Chuuya.

He hadn't called, texted, or looked for me. It was like I didn't matter to him. Yes, it did hurt but it wasn't going to stop me. I had work to do. My emotions weren't going to take over actions.

After getting ready I left my house. I wore a black turtleneck crop top, black skinny jeans, and some black shoes. Underneath the jeans, I had fishnet tights. An all black outfit for the night.

With thirty minutes till midnight, I left the house. I walked all the way to the harbor. It wasn't a long walk. When I arrived, my subordinates were loading the ferry boat. In the corner, Hirotsu was looking over them. If I remember correctly, Hirotsu was the leader of the Black Lizard.

"Hello Hirotsu-san." I said respectfully with a slight bow. I walked over to where he was.

The man had a cigarette in his hand. He put it away after seeing me get closer to him. "Hello Y/n-chan. If you're wondering, Akutagawa-kun assigned me here to help assist you in anything."

He seemed so serious and focused. I mean, it was my first time working with him on a mission. The atmosphere was so tense that I felt out of place with my calmness. Everyone was working hard and I did nothing but just looking over them. Then again, it's my responsibility to keep everything in order and prevent any trouble.

Once everyone had finished loading the ferry, we got on and headed out. The ferry started to sail into the sea. It swayed back and forth, I felt weird walking on it. Thankfully it wasn't going fast but it looked like Hirotsu was annoyed. I went up to him to ask what was wrong.

"Wouldn't it be more effective if the ship went faster? If we go this slow we'll be back by sunset " The man said with an annoyed tone. I felt slightly offended at his words.

I spoke up with a soft voice. "Going faster will attract unwanted attention. Trust me, we'll be back before sunset."

He eyed me with a dour look. The old man walked away while taking out a cigarette. I sighed and went to the back of the ship.
I feel like no one here has faith in me. If they don't have faith in me, then I'll show them how useful I am.

As I looked out into the ocean, many memories flooded my mind. I held back my tears but it was no use. A few tears escaped from the corner of my eye. I wiped them off and I started to repeat affirmations in my head.

I won't cry when I recall my past.

I won't cry over small stuff.

I'm not weak.

I'm strong.

[Third P.O.V.]

"But Ane-san~" The short ginger male whined to the older woman that walked beside him.

The mafia executive, Koyo silently judged her short comrade. "Everyone that has joined the Port Mafia willingly, are the ones that stay in the dark till they wilt. The ones in the darkness shouldn't have a yearning for 'love'." She said firmly, trying to convince the small mafioso to give up his love for Y/n.

It wasn't enough to convince the stubborn mafioso. Chuuya believed that he, as a human, should be able to love even if he was in the 'darkness' Koyo talked about. "I know, I know. Still, I feel like she's the one. I love her a lot..."

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