Chapter 28: Sisterlove

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(Sweetpea's POV)

It was now Sunday. Two days after Betty and I had kissed in front of her house. She had been on my mind constantly. Her soft lips, her warm hands, her adorable eyes. She had me wrapped around her finger.

And I hated it. I felt so powerless. I had told her for so long that we were just friends but she got under my skin. Right into my heart. I had thought I could never feel like this again, but I could.

I was sitting in a corner of the Whyte Wyrm. Yesterday I had threatened some ghoulies with my knife but didn‘t actually hurt anyone. Luckily.
But today I had to cut someone's tattoo off again, at least that was what I've been told.

A few weeks ago I would have just done it without wasting another thought. But now that Betty was on my mind, I had to think about what I was doing. Of course I had fun doing all the bad boy stuff but I couldn't bear to lose Betty for any of this. It just wasn't worth it.

Still it was my only way of earning money and I needed it. To survive. And it was bothering me that I had to choose between a girl and surviving. I didn't have a choice. I needed to do this.

I sighed, stood up and left the Whyte Wyrm. My boss had texted me the adress. A man named Tom had spilled some serpent secrets to the ghoulies and he needed to get punished.

I drove there with my motorcycle and got my job done. Feeling guilty, for the very first time.

(Betty's POV)
It was Sunday, two days since Sweetpea and I had kissed in front of my house. I didn't know what to feel. Of course I had noticed the way he had made me feel but it felt so dangerous to keep on doing that. Too many thoughts were running through my head so I decided to write everything down in my diary.

"Dear diary,
Less than 48 hours Sweetpea kissed me and I let him. I wanted him to. Isn't it crazy how fast I developed feelings for him? He had told me so many times that we were just friends, hell, we even fought about this. He had pushed me against my locker just a few weeks ago. But now everything had changed.
He kissed me. The bad boy kissed me.
Who am I to deserve him?
I still don't know anything about him. What do you think, my dearest diary, will I meet his parents? He's so sensitive about that topic.
Should I invite him?
Should I wait for him to call me? What am I supposed to do???
I hope I figure all of this out soon."

I closed my diary and stared at the ceiling. Then I heard a knock on the door.
My sister opened the door, her cheeks were full of tears.
"Polly, what's up?... Oh god, come here." I jumped off my bed and hugged her.
"Mom is sending me away," she cried, the sound muffled because she said it into my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" I asked her and slowly rubbed her back to get her to calm down. Then I let go to look into her eyes.

"She thinks it's better for me if I spend the pregnancy and the early life of my child in a mental hospital. I get it but I don't wanna go. I don't want to leave Jason and I surely don't want to be separated from you." I put one of Polly's blond strands behind her ear and softly rubbed her cheek.

"I love you Polly. Nothing will ever seperate us. Mom just wants the best for us, doesn't she? Jason can visit you. I will visit you at least once a week. We will not leave you alone there with your child okay? You matter to us, Polly. You're not alone. It may seem like a punishment but Mom's right, you need to become emotionally stable. Teen pregnancy is not easy to deal with. And we’re all supporting you, okay?" I told her and pulled her into another hug.

She nodded and I gave her a tissue to wipe her tears away. We then spent the afternoon in my bed, snuggling under the blankets and watching Disney movies. She loved them and so did I.

After we had ate dinner, I went back to my room alone. There I got a call. It was Sweetpea. My heart skipped a beat when I accepted and held the phone against my ear.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey" Sweetpea's voice sounded so adorable that I needed to smile.
"I... uhm. I'm not sure why I called. I guess I wanted to hear how your weekend had been."
I think this was the first time he sounded nervous.
"It was good. I did my homework yesterday and spent today with my sister. How about you?"
Sweetpea clearly wasn't prepared for me to ask him back because he hesitated a little.
"Eh. Nothing much. Just Serpent stuff, you know?"

We then were quiet for a few seconds. Then we both started at the same time.
"I thought-". Sweetpea. "Would you-". Me.
"You go first, Sweets." I told him and cringed at the nickname. I had never used that before and I didn't know if he liked it.
"Now you makin' nicknames up, Princess, huh?" He chuckled and I did too.

"I thought, that if you want, we... You and I... Only if you want of course... Could spend the evening or even the night together? At your place?"

I held my breath.
"Sure, but you're sleeping on the floor," I answered and chuckled again. "Fine by me," he groaned into the phone and then we both laughed.
"I'll be there asap." He hung up and I sighed happily.

I had missed him so much and finally I would see him again.

(Author's note:
Heyyo, it's me. Thanks for all the views and comments, I aprecciate every single one of them! The next chapter will be a little cute so we all can relax from the drama. But then after all, drama will start over again. We all know Sweetpea has a lot of secrets, but Betty doesn't. Will that create conflict?
Have a great week everyone.)

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