first day of school pt 2

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Skylar's pov

I wake up in the morning to my alarm I shower, blow-dry my curly blonde hair and just decide to leave it down, do a full face of makeup and get dressed in light purple denim shorts and a tight white tank top and head downstairs where my 8 siblings are Jacob, Lucas, Hailey, Allie, Mandy, Lindsay, Abby and Lucy I say hi to everyone then sit down to eat breakfast. Lindsay : " Skylar I hear Austin Mahone Is coming to our school *wink*"  my sisters are always trying to set me up with guys " absolutely not" Lindsay : " but why not Skylar he's VERY attractive, he's your age and he sings just like us" I roll my eyes" 1 he's probably stuck up 2 he's probably a player 3 he probably just wants sex. " Lindsay :" whatever " Jacob :" I don't like the sound of any guy around my little sis" Lucas : " I second that" " don't worry guys no boy will even go near me, well I gotta go love you all " and with that I began to walk to school 

skip the walk 

I walk into my school and as usual I hear comments such as " look at those tits" " oh how hard I would f*ck that pussy" and " dude look at that ass" I roll my eyes and keep walking until I feel someone grab my butt I turn around to see the one and only Jace Hamilton. Jace :" hey sexy*wink*" " don't call me that" Jace : " oh come on baby what do you say we get out of here and go to my place so I can f*ck that pretty pussy of yours I promise it will feel amazing " I was now pinned against the lockers and he was breathing on my neck " no Jace" Jace : " come on baby" his hand was now squeezing my boob and his other hand was grabbing my butt " Jace I said no" I tried to push him off but considering he was the quarterback of the football team I couldn't then all of a sudden I hear a unfamiliar voice say " dude she said no" Jace stops backs away says " whatever" then walked away I start hyperventilating and crouch down to pick up my things when I feel a hand on my shoulder " calm down your safe" for some reason I got butterflies in my stomach when he touched me I feel like I can trust him I look up at the boy who saved me from losing my virginity and being raped, when I looked up its Austin Mahone I quickly picked up my things stood up and said thanks and went to walk away when he grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him Austin ;" I didn't catch your name "" doesn't matter thanks again " I walk away and I hear him say" will I see you around " I just kept walking but I have this weird feeling like we were meant to cross paths. Little did I know that day, that moment would change my life forever. 

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