I thought you were different

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Skylar's pov

I decided to go to Austin's house in the morning so I walked there but I didn't see any cars in the driveway or lights on in the house so I stopped a lady on the sidewalk to ask her where they were. 

s:" excuse me ms, do you know where the Mahone family is "

" oh I'm sorry but Austin left for tour last night "

she walked away and I ran home crying and when I got home I went to my room. 

mom:" honey what happened "

s:" Austin left for tour last night, he didn't even bother to say goodbye "

mom:" oh honey I'm so sorry "

s:" I should've seen this coming God I'm such a idiot "

mom:" you wanna talk about it "

s:" no I just want to be alone "

mom:" ok well, I'm here if you want to talk "

she left my room and I noticed that Austin was blowing up my phone but I just ignored him, I cried myself to sleep that night and every other night for a whole month. 

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