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Skylar's pov 

I really want to surprise Austin with something special because he's always doing special things for me and I want him to know how much he means to me so I'm taking him to my secret hideout, I've never shown anyone it before and I really want to share my special place with the boy of my dreams 

I'm wearing 

with a crop top that shows my stomach and some jean shorts I put my hair in a ponytail then I hear the doorbell ring 

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with a crop top that shows my stomach and some jean shorts I put my hair in a ponytail then I hear the doorbell ring 

a:" hey beautiful "

s:" hey "

a:" so where are we going? "

s:" you'll see "

I then took his hand and intertwined our fingers and we started walking through a forest behind my house 

* skip 10 minutes *

a:" baby where are we going I think we're lost "

s:" we're almost there"

after 2 more minutes of walking I stop and turn to him 

s:" do you trust me? "

a:" of course baby "

I then go behind him and covered his eyes with my hands and walked him forward to our destination 

s:" open "

my secret hideout is a lake with a little dock and the most beautiful view of the sunset 

a:" what is this place? "

s:" my secret hideout "

I then started taking off my shoes 

a:" what are you doing? "

s:" going for a swim, you wanna join? "

a:" hell yeah "

I started taking off my clothes leaving my bikini on, I caught Austin looking but I could tell he was trying to be respectful and not look 

s:" you can look you know "

a:" * whistles * hot damn "

s:" you look pretty smokin' yourself "

s:" you look pretty smokin' yourself "

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then we both jump in 

a:" how'd you find this place? "

s:" well, one day when I was 5 I came home from school, for whatever reason my biological dad was especially pissed that day, he asked me give him my songwriting journal so he could burn it because singing " wasn't something I would ever succeed in and that it will never be anything more than a fairytale " and me being me I refused to give it to him because at that time music was my only escape, he'd been hitting me for 2 years at that point but he'd never beaten like this, I had cuts and bruises all over my body, so I ran and I somehow ended up here and ever since that day it's been my secret hideout, I've never told anyone about it till now "

I noticed Austin was crying 

a:" oh baby, I will never understand how he can live with himself for hurting you, no girl deserves that especially you "

he then kissed me gliding his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted I then felt him squeeze my butt and start kissing my neck sucking on my sweet spot, he then carried me out of the water and set me down on the grass with him hovering over me while still kissing my neck, he pulled away, rested his forehead on mine and just stared into my eyes 

a:" is that why your so insecure? "

s:" I guess, I mean if my own father didn't love me it's kinda hard picturing another guy loving me "

a:" well, I love you "

s:" I know I love you to "

then we kissed 

s:" c'mon I have one more thing to show you "

I started walking then I felt someone slap my butt 

s:" AUSTIN!!! "

a:" sorry baby, that bikini makes your ass look REALLY good and don't even get me started on your tits " 

s:" Austin stop your making me blush "

a:" your cute when you blush "

s:" c'mon "

we walk until we find a pile of rocks that I buried my journal under and I dug it up 

a:" what's this? "

s:" it's that journal I told you about "

a:" will you sing me a song? "

s:" I don't know they probably suck "

a:" I'm sure there great baby, c'mon "

s:" fine, but I only remember one "

we both sat down on the sand and I started playing a recording of me playing the guitar and I started singing 

s:" see I told you it sucked"

a:" no it's beautiful "

I blushed 

a:" what's it about? "

s:" every little girls dream, a prince charming coming and sweeping you off your feet "

a:" c'mere I want to cuddle with my beautiful star "

I laid  down with my head on his chest looking up at the stars when I heard Austin's angelic voice start to hum a unfamiliar tune 

s:" what are you singing? "

 a:"  just a little something I'm working on for you "

s:" I wanna hear it "

a:" when it's finished "

s:" ok "

a:" thanks for bringing me here baby, it means a lot, I'm honored to be the first person to be at your secret hideout "

s:" I love you "

a:" I love you to " 

we kissed 

we laid there stargazing for about a hour then he took me home and kissed me goodnight. 

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