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Skylar's pov

I walked to my locker and found my four friends Maddie, Hayley, Abigail and Tess and told them what happened with Jace 

m: " omg what a jerk" 

t:" I'm so sorry "

a:" wait how did you get away I mean Jace is the quarterback of the football team and no offense but your kinda... "

s:" weak"


h:" Probably kneed him in the crotch "

s:" actually no someone helped me "

all 4:"WHO?"

s:"umm... Austin Mahone "

they all SCREAM


h:"did he look hot "

m:"what was he wearing "

a:"could you see his biceps "

s:"guys calm down, I just saw him when he touched my shoulder and "


s:" yeah but only to calm me down so when I saw it was him I said thanks and went to walk away when he grabbed my wrist and asked for my name but I just walked away "

Maddie smacked me on my head 

m:" what is wrong with you "

s:" guys relax he probably just wants to get in my pants "

a:" and that's a bad thing "

we all die laughing as we walked to class. 

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