hi dad

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Skylar's pov 

Today's the day that I have been both wanting and dreading for the past 10 years, the day that I get to see my dad, I just hope for the sake of my heart that he's changed because I don't think I can survive losing him again 

me and Austin are currently walking to the restaurant that we decided to meet at, I wasn't ready to be alone with him, so that's why Austin is coming and we're meeting at a restaurant 

a:" don't worry babe, if he tries anything I'll be there, he won't lay a finger on you "

s:" it's not that, I just don't want to be let down again by him, I barely made it through the first time and I don't think I can survive another time "

a:" hey look at me "

I look at him 

a:" baby your the strongest girl in the world and even if he did let you down again, I know for a fact that you wouldn't let it brake you, you'd get back up and you'd prove him wrong and make him regret not being there for you because that's who you are Skylar, you are courageous, you are strong, you are beautiful inside and out and you inspire me every day to be half the man you deserve so if he can't see that then he's a idiot because your what every girl should aspire to be because you are the definition of beauty "

I wipe my tears 

s:" you gotta stop making me cry "

a:" at least there good tears "

I smile 

s:" ok let's go in before I chicken out "

he chuckles and we walk in 

dad:" Skylar is that you " 

as soon as I turn around he bursts into tears and in that moment, all the hate, all the anger, all the resentment disappeared so I ran into his arms crying 

s:" hi daddy "

we just hug and cry for a few seconds 

d:" let me look at you "

I pull back and he reaches out to cup my face in his hands but stops 

d:" can I touch you "

I nod and he cups my face in his hands 

d:" God your beautiful, you look so much like your mother, you got lucky in that department "

I chuckled along with Austin 

d:" who's this "

s:" oh right... This is Austin, my boyfriend "

d:" woah that is weird hearing you say that "

I chuckle 

a:" nice to meet you sir "

they shake hands 

d:" just because I haven't been around for 10 years doesn't mean I won't break your face if you break my little girls heart "

I chuckle and he looks at me 

d:" how was that "

s:" perfect, you even had the dad murder face "

d:" good "

we sit down and order our food 

d:" so what's going on in your life other than having a boyfriend " 

s:" nothing much, just school, friends, music and cheer "

d:" you cheer "

s:" yeah all-star cheerleading "

d:" that's cool, how's that going "

a:" she's amazing, she's one of the best flyers on the team "

I blush 

s:" yeah although it can still be pretty painful considering I had surgery 6 months ago "

d:" for what "

s:" I hurt my knee doing a double full, it was really bad, the doctors said I would probably never cheer again, 6 months later I found a surgeon willing to take on my case and 3 months later I went back to the ER and showed the doctor he was wrong about me "

d:" good for you, I'm proud of you "

s:" thanks " 

me and my dad both reach for the ketchup and I noticed a ring on his finger "

s:" what's that "

d:" oh, I got remarried 4 years ago "

s:" really, that's awesome, I'm so happy for you "

d:" thanks that means a lot, I think you'd like rose and Ezekiel, your stepbrother "

s:" great, as if the other two don't annoy me enough as it is ( note the sarcasm) "

we all chuckle 

s:" can I ask you something "

d:" of course "

s:" why did you hit me and mom and not any of the others "

d:" * sigh * do you remember aunt Mary my twin sister "

I nod 

d:" and how she was killed "

I nod again 

d:" when she was killed I was lost, so I turned to alcohol and when I looked at you two, I saw her, I saw her enthusiasm for life in your mom and I saw her love for music in you, she taught you and your sisters harmonies as soon as you could talk, so every time I heard you sing, I felt like the universe was trying to torture me but really, it was her living on through you guys and believe me, I know that's no excuse for what I did but not a single day goes by that I don't regret it "

s:" I believe in forgiveness which is why I'm here, I forgive you dad and maybe we can have a relationship again, if you want to that is "

d:" of course I want to monkey, thank you, I won't let you down"

I nod, we exchange numbers along with goodbye hugs and me and Austin walk out 

as soon as I'm out of his sight, I brake down crying 

a:" what's wrong baby "

s:" he's proud of me, that's all I've wanted to hear come out of his mouth for 10 years and he said it "

a:" I'm so proud of you baby, forgiving him took a lot of guts to do and you did it, and I'm so happy for you that you got to hear him say that, I love you baby "

s:" not as much as I love you "

a:" debatable "

we both laugh 

maybe people really can change 

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