asking him

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a/n : the picture above is what Skylar looks like 

Skylar's pov 

today I am going to ask Austin if he will come to my first cheerleading competition of the season, this will be my first competition since I hurt my knee which is a big accomplishment for me and Austin is a huge part of my life so I hope he'll come 

as I'm walking out of my final class of the day I see Austin so I walk up to him 

s:" hey "

a:" hey baby "

then we kiss 

a:" you ready to go? "

s:" yeah "

after walking for a few minutes I start to play with my charm bracelet while holding Austin's hand ( nervous habit ) 

a:" why are you so nervous baby, it's just me "

s:" can I ask you something? "

a:" of course baby "

s:" will you come to my cheerleading competition, it will be my first time being on the floor since I hurt my knee and it would mean a lot to me if you could come "

a:" name the time and place and I'll be there "

s:" really "

a:" of course baby, you overcame a terrible injury and even though they said you'd probably never cheer again you never gave up and I'd love nothing more than to watch you prove everyone that doubted you wrong "

s:" I love you "

a:" I love you "

s:" this is going to sound so stupid but when the doctor said that I probably would never cheer again I felt like my world was crumbling because cheerleading is a part of who I am "

a:" that's not stupid baby, you love it and it was a place you could go to escape from your dad, there your not the girl who was abused by her father, your just Skylar, a star flyer on one of the best level 5 cheerleading teams in the world "

s:" I'm glad you get it, most people think it's stupid "

a:" most people don't love you like I do "

I blush 

s:" I love you to " 

we continue walking for a few minutes until we get to my house 

s:" I'll talk to my coach about tickets, you can bring the crew to "

a:" ok I love you "

s:" I love you to " 

I go to walk into my house but Austin stops me 

s:" what are you doing? "

a:" goodbye kiss "

s:" oh right "

we kiss, say goodbye then I go inside 

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