first date

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Skylar's pov 

today Austin is taking me out on our first official date and I'm super excited, he didn't tell me what we're doing but he said to dress casual so I'm wearing black leggings with a white sweater. 

a:" hey beautiful "

s:" go go go my brothers are on a murderous rampage "

a:" ok say no more "

he opens the door for me, I get in, he drives to our destination and I realize it's a fair. 

a:" you like it " 

s:" yes, I haven't been to a fair in a long time "

we both get out of the car, he hooked his arm around my waist and we walk to get some food, when we get to the Carmel popcorn stand I got out my wallet but Austin quickly stopped me. 

a:" absolutely not, what kind of gentleman let's a lady pay for anything on the first date "

s:" fine "

Austin went to the bathroom when a guy hits on me 

guy:" hey sexy what do you say I take you back to my place and we could have some fun "

a:" hey man she's with me "

he walks away 

s:" sorry about him "

a:" it's fine, I like it when people think my girl is hot "

s:" why "

a:" cause I think your hot"

s:" your pretty hot to "

the rest of the fair was so fun we rode rides, ate food and played games and Austin even won me a teddy bear, now we're at the park looking at the stars. 

a:" you know how you can track where you are in the world by the stars? "

s:" yeah "

a:" well that's what you are for me, you guide me to where I'm supposed to be, Skylar you are my star"

a:" and your mine" 

a:" I love you "

s:" I love you to "

then we kiss and it starts to rain, so we run to the gazebo, Austin pulls out his phone and plays wanted by hunter Hayes and we dance for about fifteen minutes then we go home. 

a:" I had a great time "

s:" me to "

a:" Skylar would you make me the happiest guy in the world and be my girlfriend? "

I kiss him passionately then pull away. 

a:" so is that a yes "

s:" yes "

we kiss one more time, say goodnight then I go inside and tell my family, they were all happy for me, including my brothers surprisingly. 

you are my star ( Austin Mahone fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now