remembering the dream

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Austin's pov

* flashback to the night before I met Skylar *

Lately I have been super depressed because of the pressure I feel being a influencer I haven't told anyone about it this is something I wish I could talk to my dad about but he killed himself when I was really young, my mom says I'm a lot like him so I feel like he would understand but nobody else would. I'm seriously thinking about ending my life so I could be with my dad but every night I stare at the bottle of pills and something in me just can't bring myself to do it, going to bed after yet another failed attempt at trying to convince myself to just do it. 

* dream *

I am standing in a dark room, no lights, no windows just complete and utter darkness until I see someone walking towards me I can't tell who but I can tell it's a man

a:" who are you show yourself "

dad:" hello my beautiful boy "

I recognize him from pictures I've seen, it's my dad. 

a:" dad? "

dad:" yes son"

a:" am I dead? "

he smiled 

dad:" no son, it is not your time your work is not done "

a:" but I want to be with you "

dad:" me to son but it's not your time "

a:" wait how are you here? "

dad:" I'm in your dream "

a:" oh " 

dad:" son I'm so sorry that I can't be there with you, I was weak and instead of being strong for you I let my thoughts get the best of me it's my biggest regret and I know the thoughts your having right now which is why I'm sending you someone, a girl, you will save her from a douchbag trying to take advantage of her and in turn she will save you "

a:" but "

dad:" I'm not finished "

I nod signaling him to continue 

dad:" promise me one thing, that you'll cherish her more than life itself and love her with everything you got because believe it or not I didn't always do that with your mother "

a:" I promise "

dad:" this girl is your soul mate so just remember that when things get tough you two are meant to be together "

a:" thanks dad "

dad:" thank you for taking care of your mother, I'm so proud of you my beautiful boy, I couldn't have asked for anyone better to call my son "

a:" will I ever see you again "

dad:" yes I will be here waiting when your time comes and I'm always here if you need me, I love you "

by this point me and my dad were both crying 

a:" I love you to dad "

then I woke up and got ready for school. 

* present *

ever since that day I haven't even thought about ending my life, my dad was right she did save me, she is my everything, my angel, my Skylar. 

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