let's try this again

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Skylar's pov 

* after school *

mom:" hey honey how was school? "

s:" well, Austin is back so pretty sucky and to make things even better ( note the sarcasm)  I have to go tutor him now, someone please hit me over the head with a skillet "

I walk out and go to Austin's, oh joy. 

a:" hey sky "

s:" hi, we should get started "

a:" umm... Ok"

we go to Austin's room and he closed the door I sit down on the floor and he sits next to me. 

a:" have you not been getting my texts, you haven't responded to any of them for the past month "

s:" nope I got them "

a:" why haven't you responded, are you mad at me "

s:" well gee Austin I don't know "

a:" what did I do wrong "

s:" you kissed me and then you left without even saying goodbye, do you have any idea how much that hurt me? "


s:" save it, you know I actually thought you were different Austin, but your just like every other guy in this town I can't believe I was so stupid to believe what you said to my brothers was real, I can't do this anymore, I'll find someone else to tutor you "

by this point I was crying so I walked out of his room but he followed me, he kept saying my name but I didn't stop. 

a:" Skylar please stop "

I just kept walking until he grabbed my wrist, pinned me against his wall and kissed me and for some reason I kissed him back, he pulled away after about a minute. 

a:" yes Skylar I should've said goodbye to you and I apologize for being a absolute idiot and not doing that, but I've never felt this way for anyone and it scares the living shit out of me and when something scares the living shit out of me I run, I quickly realized what a mistake I made and I texted you, your truly a once in a lifetime Skylar Gardiner which is why I'm madly in love with you and if you give me a second chance, I promise I will never run again, please forgive me "

at this point I'm crying tears of happiness while Austin starts kissing my neck. 

a:" *kiss* please * kiss * please * kiss * please * long kiss *"

s:" ok I forgive you "

a:" thank you Skylar, I promise you won't regret it "

he is still kissing my neck and I'm getting turned on. 

a:" I love you "

s:" I love you to "

his hands went down to my thighs and he lifted me up wrapping my legs around his torso while he kissed my neck and walked me to his room, when he set me down on his bed and got on top of me he started using his tongue when he kissed my neck, I moaned then I remembered the picture I saw this morning. 

s:" wait Austin what about Camila "

a:" what about her "

s:" aren't you together, I saw a picture of you kissing her cheek on tigerbeet magazine "

a:" what no of course not, she kissed me on the cheek and I didn't want her to feel awkward so I kissed her on the cheek, someone got a picture and twisted the story "

I was looking in his eyes for any sign that he was lying and there was none. 

s:" I believe you "

a:" thanks for trusting me Skylar it means a lot "

s:" of course, hey what time is it? "

a:" 5:55"

s:" oh crap I gotta go "

a:" tease"

I laugh 

s:" I'll make it up to you I promise "

I give him a passionate kiss. 

a:" after that I forgive you "

I laugh and roll my eyes. 

s:" I love you "

a:" I love you to "

and with that I went home to get ready for cheer practice on cloud nine. 

you are my star ( Austin Mahone fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now