God gave me you

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Austin's pov

my grandpa has been sick for about a year now with cancer, the doctor says he probably won't last through the day so I'm on my way to the hospital to say goodbye and Skylar came along for support. Within the past few weeks Skylar has been so supportive of me, she's made me dinner, she's come to the hospital with me, she's slept over to make sure I wasn't alone and she's been there anytime I needed someone to talk to, every time I look at her beautiful blue eyes I feel better I'm the luckiest guy in the world that she is my girlfriend, I truly believe that when I needed her the most God gave me her. 

a:" Skylar I don't think I can do this " 

s:"  yes you can I'm right  here , now go in there before it's too late "

I take a deep breath and walk in 

a:" hey grandpa "

g:" Austin, hey buddy "

a:" this is my girlfriend Skylar, Skylar this is my grandpa "

s:" so glad to meet you "

g:" you were right bud, she is pretty "

me and Austin chuckled 

s:" would you like me and my sisters to sing for you? "

g:" yes please, can you sing hallelujah? "

s:" of course "

( this arrangement but all girls) 

they started singing and I've never heard something so beautiful, even my grandpa cried. 

g:" thank you girls, that was beautiful "

s:" your welcome "

my grandpa said he wanted to speak to me alone so everyone walked out 

g:" Austin, please grant me one more wish cherish Skylar with everything you have and always fight for her, she is a once in a lifetime so never let her go, go down fighting for her if you have to just don't let her go "

a:" I will I promise "

g:" I think your gonna marry that girl "

a:" yeah, how do you know? "

g:" I see the way you look at each other, it's the same look me and your grandma had "

a:" I love you grandpa "

g:" I love you to bud, can you please send Skylar in I want to talk to her "

I nod and got Skylar 

Skylar's pov 

s:" you wanted to speak with me? "

g:" yes please, come sit "

I sat down next to him 

g:" Skylar, I know we don't really know each other but can I ask you a favor? "

s:" yes of course "

g:" please take care of Austin when I'm gone, I see the way he looks at you he really loves you, we're so close that I fear that when I'm gone he'll hit rock bottom just be there for him "

s:" of course, I love him to "

g:" thank you Skylar " 

about a hour later, his heart stopped and Austin cried in my arms the whole night because I stayed with him at his house. 

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