mind games

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a/n: picture of Taylor above 

Skylar's pov 

this week has been really annoying, Taylor has been trying to get in my head because there is a cheerleading competition coming up and our teams are competing against each other, we cheered at the same gym together since we were five but she switched to a different gym when our friendship went down the drain, me and my other friends stayed at cheersport besides Maddie because she doesn't cheer, Taylor is a flyer just like me while my friends are my bases, sometimes flyers will try to psych each other out because there is already so much pressure being a flyer because your the only five people in the air and your eyes naturally go to them, but anyway, I'm currently at lunch with my friends and Austin 

Tess:" Skylar, Taylor is coming over here "

I look behind me and sure enough, Taylor is walking across the cafeteria towards our table 

Taylor:" hey Skylar "

s:" umm... Hey? "

Taylor:" I just wanted to say that I will thoroughly enjoy beating your team on Saturday "

s:" oh and what makes you think you'll beat us? "

Taylor:" well, by my calculations, you would have to throw a double full to beat us and last I heard you haven't gotten it back yet, not to mention that your going to crack under the pressure "

I get up, throw a beautiful double full and the whole cafeteria claps ( the look on Taylor's face was priceless) 

s:" last I checked that was a double full and you crack under pressure but hey, may the best team win "

I reach out my hand to shake hers but she just scoffs and turns to Austin 

Taylor:" hey austy, why don't you come over to my place after school and we can hang out just like old times * wink * " 

as soon as I sit back down next to Austin he grabs my face and kisses me passionately 

a:" no thanks, I have a girlfriend that I love "

I smile and Taylor scoffs and walks away 

a:" I can't believe I ever dated her "

I chuckle 

s:" I don't know what you saw in her "

a:" me either but that's ok because my taste has improved since then "

all my friends aww'd and I chuckle 

s:" I hate her nickname for you, it's so cringy "

a:" aww, your jealous "

he pokes my cheek 

s:" am not, it's just cringy, plus she's not the one you kissed a minute ago "

a:" true, hey don't let her get in your head ok "

s:" believe me, I won't, people do this all the time in our sport, she won't get in my head "

a:" good, she's just jealous of you "

I nod 

I love when people doubt me, it doesn't matter what their doubting me on, I will prove them wrong, Taylor should know by now that mind games don't work on me, in the end, the best team will come out on top 

a/n: sorry for the short chapter, I'm running out of ideas, comment what you think should happen next, also, a new chapter of ' wild hearts'  will be up within the next couple days so be on the lookout for that 

love you guys 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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